China's Media Hypes Their Air Force's Newest Strategic Bomber

A PLA H-6K strategic bomber. (Internet photo)

H-6K Can Strike Regional Targets Without Leaving Chinese Airspace -- Want China Times

The People's Liberation Army's H-6K strategic bomber can attack the Japanese mainland with CJ-10 cruise missiles without even leaving Chinese airspace, reports the Kanwa Defense Review run by Andrei Chang also known as Pinkov, a military analyst based in Canada.

China had no real nuclear projection capability until H-6K entered service with the PLA Air Force, Kanwa's report said. H-6K bombers have already been deployed with the 8th and 10th air divisions of the PLA Air Force. However, strategic bombers alone can not help China penetrate enemy defenses using surface-to-air missiles. For this reason, the long-range cruise missile has become a crucial part of China's nuclear arsenal.

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Update: New Bomber Can Nuke US Military Bases, Brags Chinese State Media -- Infowars

My Comment: Another example on Chinese determination to become the significant military power in Asia.

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