Blog posts, November 2013, Series 8. NATIONAL LIBRARIES,University of Cambridge,Environmental Science, ecology, water,Science–policy, challenges, biodiversity,

Blog posts, November 2013, Series 8

Some of the November posts (series 8):
Top universities. Papers, Books on environment, ec...
University of Cambridge. Some aspects of water fil...
University of Cambridge. Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, ...
University of Cambridge. Some aspects of water fil...
University of Cambridge. Some aspects of water fil...
Job Openings,Marine science, technology, Director,...
nice format:Environmental Science, ecology, water,...
»your article is as astounding. The clarity for yo...
5 most viewed: Internet Hall of Fame, Ecology, env...
Independent opinions from Internet users, on a ser...
Ecology, environmental science, biology. Publicati...
Water deficit, water scarcity: problem and a solut...
Recent blog posts, Environmental science, ecology,...
Science–policy challenges for biodiversity, public...
New scientific terminology. Exometabolism. The ter...

 Принципы и критерии оценки потенциальной опасности загрязняющих веществ

С.А. Остроумов
статья: Принципы и критерии оценки потенциальной опасности загрязняющих веществ // Проблемы биогеохимии и геохимической экологии, 2011, №1 (15) стр. 75-83. С.А. Остроумов (Биологический факультет МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова, Москва, Ленгоры, 119991) см.:...

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