A MESSAGE FOR SAINT ALBAN - ANTIGUA COMMUNITY: Father Ricardo is taking the 29th of December off to spend time with children and grandchild. We will be back to our normal schedule on January 5th, at noon.

Fr. Ricardo Frohmader
¨Saint Alban held a service of carols and prayer on Sunday December 22. We gave thanks to God for the Gift of His Son. About two dozen of us turned out.to listen to sing and to pray. Andrea Pellecer-Howard sang two solos. Marlene Foster did a great job on the keyboard. The congregation did a good job of singing. Moises Taqué was our Lay Reader. His spouse Adinah visited Saint Alban for the first time.

Pablo, Sebastian and Helen Arroyave are back from Trenton. Tom and Liz McCullough are back from Idaho.

Elizabeth Bell arranged for the loan of the facilities at the Doña Juana Hotel for the potluck luncheon that followed. The potluck was delicious and featured rhubarb pie, vegetable lasagna, butter beans as well as many other culinary delights. Agua de Jamaica (roselle water) and red wine enlivened our festive meal.

We missed Leonard Clark and several others. We hope that they will be among us soon again. We said prayers for Diane Carofino who is recovering from surgery. Get well soon, Diane

Father Ricardo is taking the 29th of December off to spend time with children and grandchild. We will be back to our normal schedule on January 5th, at noon. We will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on that day.

God Bless you all. Let the light of the newborn Jesus shine in all our hearts


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