Today was certainly a good day to work inside. Outside, it looked and felt like Siberia. All the snow and slush had turned to ice, and just walking down the street was very treacherous. So a few diehards, such as Rod, Tim, Buzz, Warren, and Frank S. were very glad to have a nice heated shop to work in.
There's always more painting to be done. I finished the mortises and sanded down the next third rail beam for the 36, then painted it with primer.
Then there's the almost-never-ending supply of windows to be repainted. We had three old ones, which I finished sanding down, and then put first primer on both sides of them.

and the finish color (R) on the inside.

So the moral of this story is that we can always find things to do, even in the dead of winter, without freezing our fingers off. That's good to know!