Will China`s New Security Panel Follow The Soviet Or U.S. Model?

Xi Jinping Is Expected To Head The New Committee And Make It A "Super Agency". Photo: Reuters

Will New Security Panel Be US Or Soviet Flavored? -- South China Morning Post

Plenum resolution was typically vague on the role and structure of new intelligence panel

The security panel set up by the Communist Party earlier this month bears a similar name to two very different foreign agencies: the US National Security Council (NSC) and the now defunct KGB, whose Russian name translates to the Committee for State Security.

The American panel serves as a venue for the president to meet with his top national-security and foreign-relations advisers. The KGB was a vast security and espionage apparatus focused as much on domestic threats as foreign ones.

Whether President Xi Jinping’s “national security committee” will resemble either of these agencies is anyone’s guess. The document announcing its creation – the resolution of the Central Committee’s third plenum – contains only one three-sentence paragraph describing the committee’s purpose.

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My Comment: My prediction is that it will be neither .... the Chinese like to do things the Chinese way, and they will structure this intelligence panel accordingly. But if they will be copying someone .... it will be the American model. I have been a regular visitor to China since the mid-1980s .... and the Chinese have always been fascinated with everything that is American .... even more so today with the dominance of the U.S. in high tech/military/and intelligence. As for the Soviet - KGB model .... I have never met anyone in China who looked favorably at that institution .... a point that is well analyzed in this article.

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