Michael Adebolajo (above) is on trial for the alleged murder of soldier Lee Rigby, in Woolwich, in London.

Michael Adebolajo was brought up as a Christian.

Kirk Redpath, a very close friend of Michael Adebolajo. Kirk Redpath was killed in Iraq.

Michael Adebolajo has friends in the police and in the military.

Justine Rigden, girlfriend of Catholic/Moslem/ alleged MI5 agent Michael Adebolajo.

Michael Adebolajo has a 'raunchy' girlfriend.

In hospital, after his arrest, Michael Adebolajo told doctors that, as a Moslem, he did not want to be touched by any women.

'I did it for God. I wish the bullets had killed me': Suspect 'thanked' police for shooting him after Lee Rigby's death

Michael Adebolajo is alleged to have worked for MI5 in Kenya. When the Kenyans arrested him, he was released, reportedly with the help of MI5.

Michael Adebolajo's family are Christians from Nigeria.

In Nigeria, some Moslems and Christians are at war with each other.

It seems strange that Michael Adebolajo would convert to being a Moslem.

Michael Adebolajo

Some people suspect that when Michael Adebolajo 'became a Moslem', it was under instructions from MI5.

Lee Rigby just before he was allegedly attacked. He is not wearing a military uniform.

The court has heard that Michael Adebolajo wrongly claimed that soldier Lee Rigby was in military uniform when he was attacked.

Adebolajo said of Rigby: "He was in his kit, in his uniform, coming in and out of the barracks."

Lee Rigby Trial: Michael Adebolajo Told Police He Was A 'Muslim ..

According to the current official version, Lee Rigby had been working in another part of London and so could not have been coming out of Woolwich barracks just prior to the attack.

Continued here: WOOLWICH 'FALSE FLAG'

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