Emirates 24/7: Omani Diagnosed With MERS-CoV in Abu Dhabi



# 7947



Following up on my  mention this morning of a reported case of MERS-CoV in the UAE, we have the following report from the Emirates 24/7.  Although listed as an Omani who was visiting the UAE, no travel dates or onset of illness date are provided, making it impossible to know from this report where this patient may have been infected.

This story is also being reported by Sky News Arabia.



Omani diagnosed with coronavirus in UAE

Published Thursday, November 07, 2013

The Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) has announced the diagnosis of a coronavirus case.

A 75-year old-Omani national, who was visiting the UAE, suffered from respiratory symptoms in October, was hospitalised and is currently a patient in the ICU.

The Health Authority in Abu Dhabi confirmed that it is coordinating with the Ministry of Health and other authorities in the country, and has taken all necessary measures as per international standards and recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The Ministry of Health stated that the WHO first issued an international alert regarding the disease in September 2012. To date, the WHO has confirmed a total of 150 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV worldwide.

MoH added that the WHO confirmed that the virus is not a concern for public health at the moment, and that the current situation does not require a travel ban to any country in the world, screenings at different ports, or any restrictions on trade.

The Ministry reassures everyone that globally, detected cases continue to be very low compared to other types of flu. The ministry confirms that the situation does not call for concern and that it is monitoring the situation closely to ensure the health and safety of everyone.

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