Did I tell you we went to Florida this summer????
Did I tell you we got to meet up with that very same family we were with three years ago?
Did I tell you these are our a.m.a.z.i.n.g. family across the pond?
Did I tell you we got to meet the whole family.....including new additon Lyrick and Gigi!
Did I tell you how we met just in front of the Magical Castle? How wonderful!
Did I tell you we got to spend some precious time with this little girl ? Oh. My. How shes grown and changed.
Did I tell you we had an amazing few days our forever friends, forever family?
Did I tell you we also got to meet another of Lutaaya's old friends?
Did I tell you that us two Mama's had never met but we each knew each other's daughters?
Did I tell you the last time these three little ladies were together, my little lady handed a tiny bundle of joy over to join her forever family? Did I tell you, neither thought they would see each other again?
Did I tell you that Disney really does make all your dreams come true?