Bruce and Carol's bookcase

"We moved from Southern California to Vancouver, WA a few years ago and trimmed our belongings mightily-- distilling by donation a couple of thousand books down to the easily re-readable few. This primary case has hardback Terry Pratchetts on the top row and halfway along the second, then a mix of Christopher Moore, Eric Sloane, Twain, political, religious, history, bio and autobigraphical books, computer graphics, dog guides and a few strays. We are serious readers but not always serious stuff.
Maybe weirdly, it was the Pratchett books I was concentrating on in the photo. A dear friend hooked me on the series years ago and we've shared Discworld anecdotes, enjoyed his signings, and then feasts featuring potatoes afterwards. So those books have become a vital refuge from the almost inescapable now. And then, I didn't want to slight the other books, and that opened the framing down to include the rows below."
Blogger's note:  After scanning the rows below, my eyes were drawn to the top of the photo, where sharp-eyed readers may note on the bookcase the bases of some trophies.  I emailed Bruce back to inquire whether they would be of interest to TYWKIWDBI readers.  The answer startled me.  See if you can guess/recognize what those statuettes are before peeking at the answer below the fold...

The bases on top of the bookcase are seven Emmy Awards that Carol and I received for our work as title designers (Cheers, As the World Turns, The X Files, Caroline in the City). With a partner, we designed and produced openings and graphics for over 300 tv series, pilots, specials and a few theatrical features.

 In that little corner of the industry we were able to create and pitch ideas (live action, animation, clip cuts, a mix), then produce sequences, direct, shoot, edit, animate, design logos, and work with terrific people. When we started in the late seventies everything was on film and transferred to tape and when we eased out of the business a few years ago, the last projects were pure computer graphics generated on home computers (at home) with the files laid off to digital media, not a camera in sight.

Since moving to Vancouver, WA we've only done a couple of pieces for the Portland PBS station and a pilot out of LA. This is our web site.

So that's us professionally.

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