Who Are The World's Craziest Rulers? -- Robert Colvile, The Telegraph
With the deaths of Saparmurat Niyazov of Turkemenistan – a maniac so megalo- that he renamed the days of the week after himself and his family – and of Kim Jong-un – a golfer so talented that he shot 38 under par on his first ever round, including five holes-in-one – some feared that the golden age of the crazed dictator had gone for good.
But Yahya Jammeh's decision to leave the Commonwealth, and subsequent outlining of his more unpleasant characteristics, has reminded us that there are still some old-fashioned brutes plugging away out there – and, more soberingly, that there are millions of people around the world who have to bear the consequences of their capricious decisions. Here are the leaders most likely to send you scurrying to the emigration queue:
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My Comment: I would add Islam Karimov from Uzbekistan, the Castro brothers, Kirchner from Argentina, and about a dozen other leaders. Putin is not crazy .... I would put him in the category of being ruthless.