The CSWA publishes a weekly email newsletter called AASWOMEN which has over 1000 active subscribers. The editors are Michele Montgomery, Daryl Haggard, Nick Murphy, & Nicolle Zellner. A typical issue contains requests for information or advice, links to news items about women in science, announcements of honors and awards given to women in science, information about programs and meetings, and links to internship and job postings. Some of the topics covered over the past year include: advice on responding to bullying, sexual harassment, and unprofessional behavior; information and statistics on why women aren't promoted to full professor as often as men are; parental leave for graduate students; unconscious bias; and a series of ongoing contributions about 'how things have changed - for the better!' which highlighted practices we are thankful to see have vanished (women are no longer automatically expected to serve the tea and cookies at colloquia, for example).
Subscription instructions:
Send email to from the address you want to have subscribed. Leave the subject and message blank. Follow the instructions in the confirmation email. (Just reply back to the email list)
AASWOMEN newsletter archive: