The 'Battlegrounds Of The Future' Are In Cities Like Nairobi and Mumbai

Indian army soldiers take up position during a gun battle at the Taj Mahal hotel (seen in the background) in Mumbai in this November 29, 2008 file photo. PHOTO: REUTERS

After Nairobi And Mumbai, Cities Are 'Battlegrounds Of The Future' -- UPI

NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- For some security analysts, the recent bloodbath in Nairobi's premier shopping mall, in the heart of the Kenyan capital, underlines how terrorists are targeting major cities across Asia and Africa, just as an earlier generation wreaked havoc in Europe's major cities in the 1960s and 70s.

The world cities "are the battlegrounds of the future," says veteran counter-insurgency specialist David Kilcullen, who showed U.S. Gen. David Petraeus how to hammer al-Qaida in Iraq a few years ago.

His strategy effectively crushed al-Qaida, but the subsequent withdrawal of U.S. military forces that ended in December 2011 allowed them to flourish again, killing thousands in their current offensive that now also encompasses war-torn Syria next door.

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My Comment: This is my must read post for today.

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