Rwanda: Conspiracy to oust Frank Habineza from Green Party in pipeline

Conspiracy to oust Frank Habineza from Green Party in pipeline

By Robert Mugabe

Mr. Frank Habineza

Mr. Frank Habineza

  • Mr. Frank Habineza to be ousted by his SG, party members are being mobilized of the new plan.

Kigali, Rwanda-in the similar move which took place in another opposition party PS-Imberakuri, ever since government of Rwanda, pronounced Democratic Green Party of Rwanda DGPR legally accepted to operate; the ruling party RPF is reportedly concerned over its reluctance to join forum of political parties.

Sources in ruling RPF circles say senior party officials have established contacts with Green party to oust their boss Mr. Frank Habineza, who is accused of harboring anti-government ideas and being an extreme opposition individual.

Among the contacts in the making is Mr. Jean Claude Ntezimana who is currently secretary general of DGPR and is seen to likely to head the party after the plan succeeds. Another person is Mr. Alex Mugisha, currently a commissioner general of the party who is believed to working with Ntezimana.

Green party sources say the party is also in limbo following the on-going option to join or not to, the forum of political parties. Recently, the party political bureau failed to agree on the option to join or abandon the idea of joining the forum.

Both Ntezimana and Mugisha are said to be in contacts with RPF and government officials to mobile within DGPR for the members to oust the founder of the chairman of the party Mr. Habineza.

When asked, Ntezimana denied any involvement and also refuted the existence of such plan. But, he accepted to have heard about the same story which he thinks is planted to divide the party. "People want to plant mistrust mainly in main central committee (the supreme decision making organ) next to General assembly. It's not true. There is no plan."

Asked why all fingers are at him, he said that "considering my role in the registration of the party, and my current position, I am being a target." Ntezimana also says most of the people in the party are aware of the rumor.

However, DGPR sources say, what started as a rumor is taking another twist as Mr. Ntezimana has started reaching out to some key members convincing them of the new plans to rid off Habineza.

Sources also say that during the parliamentarian elections, Intore boss, Bonifas Rucagu visited Green party commissioner of Northern Province.

Another senior RPF member linked with the plan are James Musoni and Christopher Bazivamo who is the vice president of RPF.

Great Lakes Voice has also learnt that this week, DGPR will hold a meeting. It's not yet clear if the matter concerning coup d' etat will be discussed.

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