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From: keith harmon Snow <keith.harmon.snow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 10:34 AM
Subject: Our adoptions expose hit hard -- can you help someone in need?
To: keith harmon Snow <keith.harmon.snow@gmail.com>
HelloI have some great news to share with you.Thanks to the conference organizers in Geneva, on 16 October 2013 I will be speaking in Geneva, Switzerland, at a special conference on war, genocide and the plunder of the Great Lakes region of Africa. I am honored to be speaking alongside former US. Rep. Cynthia McKinney and Congolese son Patrick Mbeko, author of Canada in the Wars in Central Africa (for which I wrote the preface).But there's some even more fantastic news.The Congo remains ground zero for the most horrible exploitation ever known to humanity -- created and maintained by foreign multinationals, mining companies, the Pentagon, religious and US plantation slavers. This exploitation is whitewashed or dismissed by the media, by the "humanitarian" misery industry, by state departments, by Hollywood, even by some documentary filmmakers and (so-called) non-profit organizations (like Avaaz, ONE, Raise Hope for Congo, etc.). The Congolese people endure unspeakable injustices. But they endure.However, there is also much hopeful news about Congo.This past June journalist Jennifer Fierburg and I published our investigations into the "adoptions" industry trafficking children out of the Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC). Our story -- Christian Saviors & the Adoptions Industry in Congo -- caused a stir last June at home and in Congo. The trafficking of children through "adoptions" also occurs in Uganda, Ethiopia, and many other countries.
We were ridiculed and attacked by adoptive parents of Congolese children living in the USA, mostly from the evangelical Christian "adoptions" movement we wrote about. People attacked us, posting nasty comments and claiming that no one outside the Congolese adoptions community in the USA was reading our story.Now the DRC government has instituted a one year moratorium on international adoptions. Our story made a huge difference.Says one Congolese professor who helped with this story:"Congratulations! You should celebrate because you win the first victory on adoptions in DRC. The document you [received] talks about the situation of children adopted from DRC who are subjected to a second or third adoption... The Head of Immigration (DGM) office has suspended for 12 months all international adoptions in the DRC. During this time members of DGM will circulate in countries which have adopted the Congolese to verify the post-adoption situation of the Congolese children. I think you have awakened many people from their accomplice, silence and sleepy consciousness."However, our work would be impossible without the help of Congolese human rights advocates operating below the radar, working "underground" in Congo, and who cannot be identified for fear of torture, disappearing or assassination.I am writing to share the great news, but also to ask you to help me support one of our most courageous, selfless, needy and deserving Congolese investigators. My goal is to raise $2000 asap to help lift this person out of poverty. I will donate the first $100. Can you donate $100?Please help according to your means to support this tireless and selfless advocate for truth and justice. Use PayPal with my email address (keith.harmon.snow@gmail.com) and there won't be any fees. Or, send your donation to Keith Harmon Snow, 84 Goshen Road, Williamsburg, MA 01096.Again, our story made a huge difference in stopping the trafficking (purchase and sale and export) of children from one of the world's most beautiful countries, also the most exploited by international business, war profiteers and the western charity apparatus.Please help today.Thank you and bless you.
keith harmon snowP.S. Much gratitude to the five people who supported my CONGO SWIM on the Connecticut River. I swam the day after my mom died, on short notice, and was able to raise $185.