Here's what I know about Oliver.
He lives outside.
No one knows where he came from.
He's being fed by one of my clients on her back deck.
He's been hanging around for two months.
He won't let anyone near him.
(photo taken from inside the patio door on Oct. 12)
Here's what Oliver doesn't know.He needs to get inside before winter.
A lot of people are worried about him.
The lady who feeds him already loves him.
She won't give up trying to befriend him
with her soft voice and his favorite stinky goodness.
He's a lucky boy.
Our area has many feral, stray and abandoned cats roaming. Some seek help by coming into yards and looking for food. Oliver is one of those. It's not that we don't have an animal shelter; we do. But, it is often full and people will dump cats if they cannot find a better alternative. There is also a give-up fee to drop a cat off at our local shelter. There are people who are not willing to pay it. So, we end up with cats roaming the streets looking for a hand-out. Many, many, many people feed cats on their back steps. I see it often. We have very cold winters here and it is no place for a cat to live outside during those months. So that is why I consider Oliver to be a lucky cat. Someone cares about him and will do her very best to win his friendship. She wants him inside before the weather gets cold and I'm more than sure she'll have her way. She will humanely trap him if she must but will work on his trust first.
Here's hoping. I'll keep you posted.
Tomorrow I'll show you all the fabulous felines I had the privilege to care for over the Thanksgiving holiday.
Hugs, Deb