Is Iran Only Two Weeks Away From Producing Enough Weapons-Grade Uranium To Build An Atomic Weapon?

‘Iran Two Weeks Away From Weapons-Grade Uranium’ -- Times of Israel

Tehran already reached point of no return, and is installing new centrifuges all the time, yet there is room for optimism about current talks, ex-IAEA deputy chief says

Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build an atomic weapon within two weeks and has, “in a certain way,” already reached the point of no return in its nuclear program, a former senior International Atomic Energy Association official said Monday.

“I believe that if certain arrangements are done, it could even go down to two weeks. So there are a lot of concerns out there that Iran can hopefully now address, in this new phase, both at the P5+1 [talks between Tehran and six world powers] and with the IAEA,” former IAEA deputy director Olli Heinonen said, confirming a report released last week by the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security, which stated Iran could muster enough uranium for a bomb by converting all of its 20-percent enriched stockpile within 1 to 1.6 months

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Update #1: Fmr. IAEA Official: Iran Could Soon Be Able to Build Nukes in Just Two Weeks -- Washington Free Beacon
Update #2: Former IAEA Deputy Director: Iran Could Produce Enough Material for Nuke in Two Weeks -- The Tower

My Comment: If these reports are true .... that Iran is only a few weeks away from having enough material to build an atomic weapon .... then for all intent and purposes .... with all the talk of negotiations and threats .... it is already too late.

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