Royal Navy's 260 Captains For Just 19 Warships: Defence Cuts See 15 Times As Many Commanding Officers As Vessels -- Daily Mail
* There are now 40 admirals and 260 captains in the Royal Navy
* However, as a result of defence cuts, there are only 19 active warships
The Royal Navy has 15 times more commanding officers than active warships, it has been revealed.
Following crippling defence cuts, there are now 40 admirals and 260 captains but just 19 ships.
The statistics were exposed by Tory MP James Clappison during a defence debate in the Commons yesterday.
He highlighted the plight of the Navy by revealing there are now 13 captains for every destroyer and frigate, and about two admirals – who each earn more than £100,000 a year – per warship.
He said: ‘In the past the dream of a captain in the Navy might have been to command his own ship.
'Today, it might be that dream is simply to set foot on a ship.’
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My Comment: At least the Royal Navy has 19 active warships.