The question in fashion today is the famous "tax break." The rich would get fed up paying
too much tax? Extensive lie when you know that they continue to fatten themselves on the
backs of working class people, the retirees, the unemployed, its. ---- Break or no break?
any increase my good lady! If we are to believe the media and the politicos, the good
people would be saturated taxes, companies will all put the key under the door and soon
because of taxation and all we are all forced to abandon es our holiday (as long as it
takes in). ---- This question seems to fascinate the media and politicians. and, during
that time, unemployment continues to rise, wages stagnate or even decline, the boxes
continue to close and insecurity is widespread.
A "break" for whom?
Yes "it increases" But what increases? and that it increases? they are the real issues!
With the increase in VAT, increasing the contribution period for pension increases in the
cost of living (electricity, rent) it is a fact that those who are still struggling daily
to make ends raquent months of growing. And all that for so-called "rescue" the public
finances, in the name of the sacrosanct "financial balance" wanted by Brussels technocrats.
And yet .... The big bosses, those who have the most, who have years of tax loopholes, tax
exemptions of all kinds are those who, in relation to their capital, pay the least taxes.
And this is not to be reversed with a government that defends the rich and pensioners!
Thus, the Court of Auditors (chaired by a "socialist") makes reports tower arm pointing
the cost of the unemployed, benefits, reimbursements glasses ... A real attack against the
classes "laborious and dangerous "that would do nothing, which would yield nothing to the
state, but that would cost him so much ...
They forget that the wealth that stuff themselves a minority (politicians and pundits) are
the product of the work of millions of employees (precarious or not) in this country.
It's so much easier to point the finger at the poor than the rich and forget that tax
evasion thereof is 60 to 80 billion euros per year, that the exemptions from employer
contributions in 2010 represented about 30 billion euros, the tax shield has already cost
nearly $ 4 billion.
For the rich, the "tax break" is a reality for some time!
No social break!
Despite the beautiful government announcements, unemployment does not regress (in fact it
is the radiation-unemployed its exploding) and wages are still pathetic. there is no hope
of a government and a system that would rather bail out companies and always pay more to
those who toil!
Pay for their crisis, we do not care, we have nothing to gain. Solutions there, starting
to finally cough up the bosses. That they make the money they fly daily to workers.
This will not be decided in government, parliament or petitions. This is collectively,
businesses, neighborhoods, unions, collectives, associations, with our colleagues,
neighbors and neighbors, everyone sets we make things happen.
What they fear is in our unity, in our collective ability to change things, to show them
that there is no break for the social struggles.
The politicos and self-proclaimed experts-are wary because their system does not hold if
we organize to fight!
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