Namely A trans person is a person who lives in a different kind from that which was
assigned at birth. A trans man is a man who, at birth, was labeled "F", while a trans
woman is a woman who, at birth, was labeled "M". In contrast, a cis person is a person who
is not trans, that is to say, who lives in the same kind as that which was assigned at
birth. A change in family status is an act to change the name and / or sex indicated on
his marital status ( and therefore on official documents such as identity card, social
security, etc.. ). At present, trans people who want such a change shall be subject to
arbitrary judges, in fact, a circular recommends changing the sex civil status from the
moment there is " irreversible ", a concept that is subject to interpretation by each
judge, most still require surgery.
In theory, trans people have the right, like everyone else, to choose their doctor.
However, the fact that many doctors do not accept to follow trans people and some hospital
staff describe themselves as experts in the subject line is a lot of trans people have to
go through endocrinologists and psychiatrists appointed by the teams question.
October 19 will be held for the 17th time the Existrans to claim rights for trans people.
Indeed, they are forced to face a real uphill battle to gain access to medical treatment (
including hormones and surgery) allowing them to change their bodies, or for access to a
change in family status and be issued identification documents to gender in which they live.
This transphobia state relays and strengthens transphobia caused by a patriarchal system
that perpetuates the idea that being male or female is a fact of nature, caused by
genetics, then it is socially constructed, of report oppression between a dominant group
and a subordinate group.
This room transphobia creates a precarious situation for trans people, who have great
difficulty in finding a job or have access to health care. Moreover trans people face
violence, whether in the street, at work, in the family or the couple, police, prisons, etc..
This situation is even more worrying for people who suffer multiple oppressions. And white
and from middle-class backgrounds trans people can have access to resources to address
transphobia they face. It's more complicated for those who also have the status of women,
undocumented immigrants, precarious, etc.. Also for non-white women and prostitutes are
much more likely to be killed or end up in jail.
Therefore, if we support the struggle for concrete legislative measures, such as a
simplified change in family status or a better taken into account by physicians, we
believe that they alone would be insufficient, and it is also capital to fight for the
regularization always ? te ? s undocumented, against this racist and neocolonial system
against capitalism which engenders exploitation and insecurity, and against patriarchy is
the cause of sexism, homophobia and transphobia.
As anarchists, we believe that only the struggle and self- help us out of such a system,
its leaders have an interest in preserving. We are aware that such self -organization can
be truly effective only if marginalized people can take their rightful place in the
militant organizations of their choice and struggles...
It is therefore necessary to fight daily against transphobia, sexism, racism, homophobia,
all oppression and all systems of domination.
We will call you to participate in the march of Existrans Saturday, October 19 at 14h,
starting at Les Invalides ( to Paris )
Coordination of Anarchist Groups - External Relations
c / o Library Info 2 bis rue T. Guiter BP 40233 66002 Perpignan Cedex -
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