Deb..."Because we have cats."
Plain and simple. Cats love boxes. If you are looking for ways to make your indoor cats more content just bring home some boxes. They will make great use of them.
One of my favorite photos ever is this one of Ed and Sierra sharing a box.
This Campbells Soup box became one of the favorite sleeping spots for these two felines. It didn't matter that there was a couch, chairs or cat beds close by. This box 'spoke to them'.I have a habit of bringing in new boxes for the cats to try out. If they are shallow but long they seem to like to buddy-up in them. The shorter, deeper ones become a quiet place to have a snooze. Or, as you see here, Sierra plays in them. By the end of the day this box was in shreds.
Boxes don't last too long around here because Sierra personalizes each and every one until there is nothing left.
Annie's favorite box
So throw a few boxes around and watch the fun. Before long they'll be worn out and snoring.
The rain has held off today but it is much cooler here now. It's time to pull on a sweater and enjoy the cool air.
While I type, Ruby and Audrey are lying exhausted on the office floor. They are funny cats as they play hard and still hiss at each other in the midst of it. I think they find it hard to believe that they are actually together again. Anyway, the house is rockin' and I'm here without a camera this weekend. You'll just have to believe me.
Off for a walk with Kane to kick some leaves around.
hugs, Deb