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» Anarchic update news all over the world - 17.07.2017
Anarchic update news all over the world - 17.07.2017
Today's Topics:
1. Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: The murder of 45-year
worker at the landfill Mavrorachi (gr) [machine translation]
2. Greece, Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative: AO: DNA: one
"proof" -paspartou hands counterterrorism (gr) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. Turkey, sosyal savas: Hamburg Diary (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
We will not get used to death. We will fight for life ---- Sunday 07/02/2017 landfill
Mavrorachi seriously injured at work and even extraordinary, ie outside the program, 45,
contractor. During the night shift, during storage of compressed garbage with sliding
tractors, trailer connecting tractors folded. The employee diakomisthike ICU Papageorgiou
hospital, where he eventually ended Saturday 8/7. This event joins another recent murder
in the area of waste disposal, which occurred at dawn Saturday 1/7, when an employee of
the municipality 62chroni Painter died of being exhausted as he was forced to make three
shifts within 36 hours. ---- These two murders have occurred since the end of the strike
of the WTO OTA, which lasted 11 days (18/6 - 29/6). A key demand of the strike was the
establishment of about 10,000 contract workers of municipal waste collection services. It
is the eminently unfavorable work environment that was included in the category of "heavy
and unhealthy" just a few years ago, although borne directly by the workers' health. But
the knife even more pushing the neck of workers because of bad working conditions, the
risk of redundancies be lurking at any time.
In Thessaloniki, the mayor I. Mpoutaris sought to force the strikers to end their
protests. He threatened to give 192,000 euros to a private company to collect the city's
garbage. Although this does not finally happened, such a possibility would be the more
pronounced suppression of the strike on the part of the state, with overt use of
strike-breakers. At the same time, the media sykofantousan the just struggle of the
strikers, the government announced that the Communist Party of the strike was motivated by
the opposition, while the latter encouraged private initiative to address the issue of
collection of garbage.
Finally, the union leadership WTO OTA capitulated to a minimum by extending the contracts
for two additional months. Also, the government through legislative regulation promised
intake of 25% of strikers struggling through ASEP competition, thus breaking the
collective climate demands and directing subjects of the race for the individual road and
personal development. The wreck of this strike demonstrates the profound rottenness of the
regime-bureaucratic unionism and the deterrent character of the workers' interests.
The imposed workplace Middle Ages is the result of political ftochopoiisis social
majority, which requires the forced recapitalization. Labor sweatshops occupy more and
more space in modern labor reality. The exhausting working hours, precarious work and
intensified -anasfalisti for the most part and the lack of security measures, first kill
the workers on a daily basis in order to enrich the bosses as much as possible on their
backs, on the other escalate the shameful fact workers-three murder.
Which speak of random and isolated incidents of "bad time" deluding ignoring their stuff.
The substance that is inherent in capitalism, that the barbarism of capital that is
generated by pumping surplus of human labor and leads to the devaluation of our lives.
Once the employer refers to accidents, attributing responsibilities to the workers, for us
these are clearly murders weigh bosses. For bosses, profitability is not figuring human
lives, hence the rudimentary or non-existent security measures.
To prevent and treat agomaste from all sorts mayor, boss and consensual union factions
concluded peace with our class enemies, it is imperative to organize an uncompromising,
combative base unionism. Put forward the workers' interests and to take our lives in our
hands, without hierarchies, mediations and paternalism. To prepare the wild-term general
strikes, linking them with a revolutionary project that will contribute to the collective
and individual emancipation, the end of human power in humans, social self-management.
BE accustomed DEATH
FIGHT FOR LIFE AND THROUGH universal emancipation self-organized social and class SHAPES
Libertarian Thessaloniki Initiative - a member of the Anarchist Federation
Message: 2
The Irianna V.L. sentenced to 13 years in prison without any evidence, without witnesses.
Could anyone / everyone to be in place ... ---- The time: On March 14, 2011. ---- The
Counter-Terrorism raided the house of NTU student and friend of Iriannas Constantine. At
home that night, slept and Irianna, a student of the school of philosophy. ---- Fed to the
police headquarters where preliminary investigation gives testimony. Pet doses to
voluntarily DNA and fingerprints and at the same day is left free. ---- November 18, 2011.
---- According to the testimony of a "witness" not again-never shown hereafter not even in
court-discovered weapons have not been used anywhere in the NTUA Zografou area. ---- 11
January 2013. ---- arrested or Irianna and charged involvement in revolutionary
organization "Conspiracy Cells of Fire" and gun possession by a low amount and poor
quality DNA sample in a magazine of a gun, which had been found in NTU.
The supposed identification becomes a half years after the alleged discovery of weapons
and two years after taking the DNA from the cops.
Research done at home, in the car, everywhere, and not on any evidence.
However, the "evidence" seems to have been enough for civil justice as leading to the
arrest and criminal prosecution for 'inclusion and participation in a terrorist
organization "and" taking, possession, transfer and hide weapons and ammunition for the
purpose of disposal to third parties to commit felony and illegal supply of groups and
organizations. "
Today Irianna V.L. They are held captive in prisons Elaionas Thebes waiting for the Court
of Appeal to be held on July 17.
Exactly the same is the case of Pericles M., Who was found guilty of the same offenses and
which also imposed prison sentence of 13 years, without suspensive effect on appeal by.
Again, the "item" basis which imposed this predatory penalty was a completely unreliable
sample DNA.
Through the tragic story of Iriannas V.L. and Pericles M. seems once again the wrath of
the state against anyone / have a social relationship with militants who refuse to stop
war against the state and its minions. In the name of social peace, the "justice" closes
his eyes and condemns anyone who / s indicate the counter-terrorism agency and the
repressive state mechanisms. Most tragic perhaps the example of anarchist-communist Tasou
Theofilou who was a few days ago not guilty to the robbery in Paros in August 2010 and
participation in the revolutionary organization Conspiracy Nuclei s Fire, for which
charged after five years remaining in prison with absolutely no evidence.
It is obvious now that the left coalition SYRIZA-ANEL follows the same line in addressing
domestic "terrorism" by the previous right-wing government of New Democracy. With guns
rigged data, DNA analyzes zero scientific validity "anonymous" phone calls, witnesses
suddenly disappear from face of the earth and of course the anti-terrorism law, dragged to
prison both social activists, and persons associated with them friendly or relatives,
giving message that no one is safe as it has relationships with "troublemakers". Everyone
should scare: the comrades who make the choice of armed struggle, they know that beyond
their own risk and their relatives or friends, partners / compas and fellow / Three, they
know that every day can come to own turn to venture into a new conspiracy of
anti-terrorist and everyone else, they see that the contact with people of the movement is
dangerous - or it should look according to counterterrorism.
As Anarchist Federation express our solidarity in Irianna V.L and Pericles M., Who fell
into the hands of anti-terrorism and dragged by it in another conspiracy: just as happened
with Tasos Theophilus, Mars Seirinidou, Theodore Sipsas, their residents of Halkidiki and
many more fighters.
On 17 July 2017 the Pentalateral Athens Appeal, heard the request for suspension of the
sentence of Irianna V.L and Perikli M.
None / no only / only his / her towards rigged indictments state.
Against rigged indictments of counter through use DNA
Solidarity Irianna V.L and Perikli M.
twitter: twitter.com/anarchistfedGr
fb: facebook.com/anarxikiomospondia2015/
Message: 3
"The Black Block" call was made from Hamburg for the action organized under the slogan
‘Welcome to Hell' against the G-20 summit to be held by 19 state leaders holding 85% of
the world economy. Thousands of anarchists, anti-fascist individuals from all over the
world came to Hamburg for action even though Schengen's visas had been suspended. ----
Anarchist groups from Turkey were in action and they immediately reported what happened.
---- The activists from many different regions joined the preparations in the camps and at
the Rote Flora occupation house, they attended some trainings for the action but the
police harassment and attacks had started before the acts did. In the camps, police did
search and took some into custody through helicopter and land raids. On the way, arbitrary
searches were made by the police in various areas, extraordinary conditions and violations
were experienced in the city.
Tensions were experienced when civilian police officers were detected among the activists.
Despite the efforts of the German state to block the people, St. Pauli Football Team
announced that it opened the stadium to the activists as a shelter. The nearby bars
provided free water and food. The press release titled "Yes, we are camping" was made. St.
Pauli fans opened a banner in the tributary "Our Neighborhood, Our Rules". Thus, camp
resistance began before the G-20's actions and solidarity areas expanded. Personal
properties, theater, circus, church and various societies were opened for accommodation.
Tents were placed for protest in some areas that nobody stayed in.
In camps, there are first-aid tents, free food including vegan option throughout the day,
information boards, maps, and autonomous lawyers on hand for emergency situations. Even
mental support teams have been established. There are many examples of communal practices
through which mutual support is provided for any kind of need.
One day before the G-20 meetings ‘alternative peak' was held. In the areas surrounded by
the police, forums, antifa punk and rap concerts, and presentations were held.
Walking cortege with the black block activists standing at the forefront began to walk
around 12.00 on the first day of the G20. Because there were thousands of masked faces,
the police began to block the protest and attacked people. As the conflict went on
throughout the day, the security circle (the area that was prohibited for any
demonstration or walk), which is called the blue zone, was narrowed from a 38 km2 circle
to a 500 m2. Conflicts spread to dozens of neighborhoods. People of the neighborhoods went
on to the streets, and helped the activists with blocking the roads and setting up the
The port was occupied with the slogan ‘Block capitalism's logistics'. The entrance of the
harbor was closed for a few hours and the activists did not let the police in.
Many roads were closed with barricades. The autonomous security forces (OGK) set the
traffic up in a way so the convoys of Trump and Erdogan had to wait, and the meetings were
Supermarkets, banks, hotels, fast food chains were shattered, dozens of luxury vehicles
were destroyed in the half of the city. The Porsche Center was set on fire. "We showed
that we can go beyond the controlled protest actions and if desired we can act different
forms of resistance, and we can warm the hearts of all comrades with a little" luxury fire".
Some slogans from the act;
"All Hamburg hates policemen"
"I do not know anything, I have no talent, give me uniform"
"Give the streets back to the Nazis piece by piece, stone by stone"
The police, who said they lost control of Hamburg, requested support from outside and
military. The teams from Denmark and Austria took part in the streets of Hamburg. It was
seen that police officers who walked with long barreled guns pointed their guns at the
press saying, "There is no freedom of the press from now on." The same cops with weapons
raided a building used as an infirmary with weapons.
In the fields and home raids, 186 of the 225 detainees were arrested and hundreds of
people were wounded. There are also 476 policemen wounded by black block activists who
used fireworks, rocks, sound bombs. It was also reported that fascists went to the streets
and threatened the camps.All entrances, exits, air, land and rail transport are under
police control.
- Anarchists from Turkey sent greetings to the resistance in Hamburg with graffiti paintings.