In honor of my birthday, I'm going to share 27 random facts about me for your reading pleasure. Lucky you ;)
me back in 1989 at around two and half
remind you of anyone?
one | I like cookies
two | I only wash my hair three times a week
three | cooking and baking have become favorite activities as I've gotten older
four | Public Radio is on nearly all day every day in my house
five | watching my chickens scratch around their yard relaxes me and always puts me in a better mood
six | I play piano, french horn, trumpet, and guitar and I sang in choir in high school
seven | speaking of music, my 'comfort' music that I can always listen to includes Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver, Jewel, Gordon Lightfoot, Bob Dylan, Loreena McKennitt, and Ray Lamontagne.
eight | I've never lived outside of Alaska
nine | I've never been east of Michigan (but I want to!)
ten | Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana - all the states I've visited.
eleven | I have at least three times as many books as clothes
twelve | X Files is my guilty pleasure right now and I'm always trying to squeeze one or two in during naptime
thirteen | I may or may not have a crush on Agent Mulder
fourteen | I don't have cable tv, just bunny ears
fifteen | I lived without running water in my cabin for a year in college
sixteen | high school sports: cross-country skiing and cross-country running
seventeen | I spend two to four hours outside nearly every single day
eighteen | bangs are my thing, I've always had them
nineteen | I can't stand when my fingernails are longer than my fingertips and I always have nail clippers with me just in case
twenty | I wish I could draw and paint well but I'm pretty much horrible at both
twenty-one | I love houseplants and am slowly adding more and more to our space
twenty-two | spring, summer, fall, and winter are my favorite season ;)
twenty-three | I lied on my vision test when I was little because I wanted glasses
twenty-four | my favorite books when I was a kid were the Emily of New Moon series by L.M. Montgomery
twenty-five | since having Riggs I'm the lightest sleeper ever
twenty-six | I've never broken a bone
twenty-seven | I still feel like I'm 19 years old, what happened?