Busted: UK-US Backed Terrorist Doubles as Rebel Fighter AND fake Sarin Gas Attack Victim
The world has turned against Obama and Hollande.
They know that US Funded Syrian Rebels Gang Raped and Executed a 15-Year Old
France Backs off Support for Syrian Strike
Sep 07, 2013. Military.com| by Richard Sisk
France Backs off Support for Syrian Strike
On 6 September 2013, "France backed away from joining the U.S. in swift military action against Syria.
On 6 September 2013, "France backed away from joining the U.S. in swift military action against Syria.
"France had been the only nation to agree to the joint use of force with the U.S. against Syria..."
"French President Francois Hollande said he is now waiting for a report from United Nations weapons inspectors on whether chemical weapons were used in the Aug. 21 rocket attacks on the Damascus suburbs."

Hollande said, at a news conference in St. Petersburg, Russia:
"We shall await the report of the inspectors just as we will await (the U.S.) Congress."
UN officials have said the report of the weapons inspectors may not be ready until October.
They have stressed that the findings will only show whether chemical weapons were used, and not who was responsible.
Poll Shows French Overwhelmingly Oppose Military Action
The Syrian rebels work with Israel.
Shady PR operatives, pro-Israel ties, inside the Syrian opposition ... - Mondoweiss
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Anonymous writes:
Your military.com link is very interesting. Did you ever see that Pilger documentary about Vietnam The Quiet Mutiny?
In it he trashes the meme that it was the protests at home that stopped the Vietnam war and makes clear that it was a revolt within the ranks of the military that did it.
The fragging of officers had shifted from 'infrequent' to 'commonplace', naval vessels failed to set to sea because their crews stood down, and airforce bases ceased to function.
It was the military that brought the Vietnam war to a halt.
Mind you, this was from the ranks up, ie. the officers were last to the party. Here I'm wondering if we might not be seeing the opposite.
Think about military.com. It's no veteranstoday. Military.com is the official voice of the military. And in that linked article it states that Putin has declared that it was the rebels who gassed those civilians. And it does in a neutral fashion which is to say, without mockery or eye-rolling. I think that this is telling. I suspect it's a message not unlike how rolling cannon balls on the deck used to be back in Nelson's days.
This has all the makings of a tipping point. I think the death cult has overstepped the mark. But that doesn't really do justice to the egregious nature of their error. What the death cult has effectively done is put their own head in the noose.
The obviousness of the impossibility of Assad as perpetrator is unmissable here. It's just too bloody senseless. Even members of the military, long used to mentally justifying all the shit they do on account of the 'other' being 'bad guys', have to shy at this particular hurdle.
"Assad is fighting rebels who are al qaeda.
My government is backing... al qaeda.
I'm meant to fight with... al qaeda?
And against Assad who doesn't seem to have done anything apart from protecting his people from a civilian-murdering al qaeda?"
Nowhere in amongst this is any consolation that will allow troops and officers to paint themselves as the good guys. Ordinarily they could overlook fakery under the heading of 'at-least-it's-all-in-a-good-cause', but here there is no cause apart from the fakery. There is no mental fig leaf that will hide the thought that we are the villains.
And this isn't just a problem with the attempt to smash Syria. This is that worst of all possible things: a spellbreaker. The death cult needs the military to believe. Particularly the officers. Without they do that the military is not just useless, it's properly dangerous. It can easily be the nemesis that smashes hubris.
Think of where we're at. If the officers suddenly viewed their civilian masters as a pack of liars who'd gas women and children to trick them into yet another bullshit war (and this time on the side of al qaeda!) how do we think the domestic concentration camp program would go? Would the intended enforcers just refuse and then go home and have a beer and say, 'Geez, what a crazy day that was'? Or might they decide that it's ipso facto and they've no choice but to wipe them out?
Interesting times.
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