The latest document leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden says the U.S. regularly hands over to Israel intercepted communications that have not first been reviewed by U.S. analysts. (Guardian / September 12, 2013)
NSA Shares Raw Intelligence Including Americans' Data With Israel -- The Guardian
• Secret deal places no legal limits on use of data by Israelis
• Only official US government communications protected
• Agency insists it complies with rules governing privacy
• Read the NSA and Israel's 'memorandum of understanding'
The National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a top-secret document provided to the Guardian by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals.
Details of the intelligence-sharing agreement are laid out in a memorandum of understanding between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart that shows the US government handed over intercepted communications likely to contain phone calls and emails of American citizens. The agreement places no legally binding limits on the use of the data by the Israelis.
The disclosure that the NSA agreed to provide raw intelligence data to a foreign country contrasts with assurances from the Obama administration that there are rigorous safeguards to protect the privacy of US citizens caught in the dragnet. The intelligence community calls this process "minimization", but the memorandum makes clear that the information shared with the Israelis would be in its pre-minimized state.
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More News On The NSA Sharing Intelligence With Israel
U.S. shares raw intelligence data with Israel, leaked document shows -- L. A. Times
The NSA is sharing data with Israel. Before filtering out Americans’ information. -- Washington Post
Report: Data on Americans routinely shared with Israel -- USA Today
Report: Israel receives intelligence from US containing private information on US citizens -- Jerusalem Post
NSA shares raw data on Americans with Israeli spy agency -- Washington Times
Report: NSA shares raw data on Americans with Israel -- Al Jazeera
NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel - Snowden leak -- RT
Greenwald's Latest: NSA Shares Raw American Intel With Israel -- Slate
NSA provides Israel with raw, unchecked US intelligence -- ZDNet
NSA shared raw intelligence with Israel with no legal limits regarding its use -- Endgadget
NSA dishes data to Israel -- Venture Beat
US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Israel -- Sydney Morning Herald
Irony Alert: NSA Targets Israel – And Still Gives Your Data To Its Spies -- Killer Apps/Foreign Policy
NSA to Israel: If We Give You Intel on Government Officials, Please Delete It -- Atlantic Wire