Nicholas Kristof and his rescure of native women from native men

To rescue Syrian women from Syrian men, Nichoas Kristof now wants the US to bomb the hell out of Syria.  Yesterday, he had an article about a Syrian refugee. I sent it to an NGO person who handles Syrian refugees on a daily basis, and she wrote me:  "Yes I saw this article, Fawzia's choice? really? as in sophie's choice? how deep. those war weary should meet Fawzia? really I meet people like Fawzia everyday, it doesn't make me want to bomb the rest of the Syrians in Syria. I met a family from Idleb today, they ran away from the FSA, opposition he said to be accurate, although he opposes the regime. the man described the opposition in Idleb as thugs, criminals and kidnappers. Next time I will ask him what he thinks of Fawzia's choice."

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