Mossad in Syria

Is it not high time that the Mossad realize that its propaganda about its successes in the Middle East, while still popular in the West, have been long discredited among Arabs? Every time Arabs are exposed to Western media stories of Mossad successes, they remember the failed assassination of Khalid Mish`al in Amman (when one body guard foiled the plot) and they most vividly remember when in 2006, Israeli terrorist forces kidnapped a Lebanese citizen (named Hasan Nasrallah) because the Mossad thought that it was the leader of Hizbullah.  What do you say about an organization that did not know that more than one Arab is named Hasan Nasrallah.  Don't get me wrong, the organization is still capable of killing innocent people because they think that they resemble Palestinian leaders (like they did in Norway when they killed a Moroccan waiter because he resembled (to them) Abu Hasan Salamah.  Look at this passage:  "Over the years, the Syrians were able to catch some of these spies. Most known is the story of Eli Cohen, who was sent to Syria in the early 1960s under the guise of a Syrian merchant who returned to his homeland as a very wealthy man after years in South America. Cohen made excellent contacts with senior military and intelligence officials in Syria. During wild parties that he held in his fancy flat right across the street from the general staff headquarters in Damascus, he drew from them many state secrets. Cohen's Mossad case officer, Gedaliah Khalaf,  told me how Cohen transmitted the latest information on a daily basis, including quite a bit of gossip from Syria's high echelon, using a Morse-code machine that was hidden in his apartment." Let me say this: aside from collecting a circle of prostitutes and pimps in his house, there is no evidence whatsoever that Elie Cohen actually obtained any state secrets during his brothel-in-Damascus story.

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