It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (Sept. 23, 2013)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

On the Personal Front: 

Things are quiet and normal around here. I am settled into the school routine and finding lots of time to read too. The weather has been changeable. One day it's summer clothes, the next day a jacket is required.

Last Week:
I read Ritual Magic by Eileen Wilks which is the latest in her World of the Lupi series. I like the characters in this series. My review will be posted on Oct. 3.

Teardrop by Lauren Kate is the beginning of a new YA series for her. I liked the concept and the characters and can't wait to see where the series goes next. My review of this Amazon Vine review book will be posted on Oct. 17 but you can see what I thought of it at Amazon, GoodReads, and LibraryThing now.
Thankless in Death by J. D. Robb is the latest in her In Death series. This is a "drop everything and read" series for me. My review will be posted on Oct. 5.

Will in Scarlet by Matthew Cody was a retelling of the Robin Hood story with Will Scarlet as the main character. I think the action and adventure will appeal to middle grade readers. My review will be posted on Oct. 3. 
The Curse Keepers by Denise Grove Swank was an Amazon Vine pick. This urban fantasy mined Native American legends for its paranormal basis. I had some problems with the characters not being very likable and the romance feeling forced. However, there was lots of action in the story. My review won't show up on this blog until Nov. 14 but you can see what I thought at Amazon, GoodReads, and LibraryThing now.

I just began Emerald Green by Kerstin Gier which is the conclusion of her Ruby Red trilogy. This YA time travel series has interesting characters. I am eager to see how it ends.

Next Week:

Lots of review books are on my stack for next week.
I have Captive by A. D. Robertson (Andrea Cremer) coming up. I'm curious about adding erotic romance to her Nightshade world. This book will be released on Oct. 22.

The Russian Endgame by Allan Topol has been on my stack for a while. I got two copies for review and was almost sent a third. I have read the previous books in this series but am not a huge fan. I want to get this September release off my stack. 
Beauty's Daughter by Carolyn Meyer was a book I got at ALA. This historical fiction title will be released on Oct. 8

Fire Storm by Andrew Lane is the most recent in the Young Sherlock Holmes series. I got this one from Macmillan as I did the earlier volumes. I enjoyed them very much. This book will be released on Oct. 1

Reviewed on my blogs this past week:

Inside of a Dog:

Ms. Martin Teaches Media:

That was my week. Leave a link and I'll be sure to visit your It's Monday post.