NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, an analyst with a U.S. defence contractor, is seen in this file still image taken from video during an interview by The Guardian in his hotel room in Hong Kong June 6, 2013. REUTERS-Glenn Greenwald-Laura Poitras-Courtesy of The Guardian-Handout via Reuters
Are Edward Snowden NSA Leaks Messing Up US Foreign Relations? -- Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor
The US ambassador gets a tongue-lashing from Brazilian officials angry about NSA eavesdropping on their president, and Obama is likely to get an earful from spied-upon Europeans later this week at the G-20 summit. One problem for the US: It doesn't know how much more will be leaked.
Edward Snowden’s revelations about National Security Agency eavesdropping are now roiling another area of the world: Latin America.
On Monday the Brazilian government reacted angrily to new reports that the NSA intercepted the communications of President Dilma Rousseff and her top aides. Brazil’s Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador Thomas Shannon for a dressing-down, and told him to provide a “prompt written explanation” of the allegations, according to the Associated Press.
Brazil learned of the alleged eavesdropping in a Sunday night show on Globo TV, which cited 2012 documents from Mr. Snowden as its source. In response, officials called for some kind of international effort to produce regulations guarding against future electronic intrusions.
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My Comment: The leaks are not "messing up" US foreign relations .... it is the conduct of the NSA itself that is "messing up" US foreign relations