"Aoidoi" is classical Greek for "bards," like Homer, or just "poets." This site is dedicated to the study of ancient Greek poetry from the Epics to Anacreontics. Most of the work is directed at producing versions of Greek poems with vocabulary, grammar and dialect notes for beginners.
DialectsMeter and Recitation
- For the confused beginner, Greek Dialects - Where to Start
- Lesbian Aeolic.
- Choral Doric
- Bucolic Doric
Et cetera
- A general introduction to Greek meter (PDF)
- In Some Comments on the Epic Caesura I give a possible origin for the heroic hexameter, and then analyze the first 21 lines of Iliad A with special attention to the caesura.
- In Reciting the Heroic Hexameter I present one way to recite hexameters. The PDF has links to MP3 examples.
- The Error of Caragounis, a summary of some problems with C. Caragounis' notion that Ancient and Modern Greek are pronounced identically.
- A reference: Words with Digamma in Epic.
- Which word shapes go where: Localization in the Hexameter. On pp.53-57 of Chad Bochan's notes on iambic comp are localization tables for iambic trimeters.
Meta - About Aoidoi.org
- Greek Verse Composition
- καὶ τὰ λοιπά, my place for random musings on Greek or Poetic matters.
- Technical details for Aoidoi.org. Of course, I have also had help.
- Submission Guidelines
- Alcaeus
- Anacreon and Anacreontics
- To Dionysus.
- Anacreon 358.
- Anacreon 395.
Anacreontic- 7 (6B). To himself "The women say 'you're old, Anacreon.'"
- 21 (21B). Drink up!
- The Greek Anthology
- Book X, 21. by Philodemus
- A more tidy collection, Poems from the Greek Anthology.
- Archilochus
- Archilochus 13
- Archilochus 196A, the Cologne Epode
- Bion
- Hesiod
- From the Works and Days, a description of winter, lines 504-535 (em Português)
- Homer
- The Shield of Achilles, Iliad 18.478-608, by Nicholas Swift.
- Homeric Hymns
- Ibycus
- "In spring..." Ibycus 286
- "I tremble like a racehorse..." Ibycus 287
- Mesomedes
- Mesomedes 1: two hymns to the Muses
- Mesomedes 3: Hymn to Nemesis
- Mimnermus
- Pindar
- Sappho
- Sappho 1: To Aphrodite
- PMG 976: "Insomnia"
- "Some Say," Sappho 16
- "He's lucky as the gods," Sappho 31
- "Chase after the beautiful gifts of the Muses," Sappho 58
- "As when the moon outshines the stars," Sappho 96
- Simonides of Ceos
- Solon
- Theocritus
Theocritus 13: Hylas. To go along with it I also transcribed the scholia on this poem.
- Theognis
- Theognis 1-4, to Apollo
- Theognis 5-10, also to Apollo
- Theognis 11-14, to Artemis
- Theognis 133-142, on the limits of human action.
- Anonymous
- καὶ τὰ λοιπά — random works that don't fit elsewhere
- Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus.
- Delectus Indelectatus: brief, cranky poems, mostly from the Anthology
- Menander, fragment 614 (em Portugeês).