BREAKING NEWS: US Secretary of State Kerry Has Stated That The U.S. Will Not Wait The 30 Days That Assad Has Requested For Disclosing His Chemical Weapon Stockpiles

WNU Editor: This news is breaking news. I will update it as more reports come in.

Update: Kerry Rejects Assad's 30-Day Timetable -- AP

My Comment: These John Kerry demands .... if true .... are laughable. We are seeing arrogance and conceit on full display. The U.S. is not running this show .... Putin is the one who will dictate on what is going to happen, and he is a few steps ahead of all of us on what is about to happen.

Update #2: John Kerry should call the White House because even the White House is acknowledging that Putin owns this Syria strategy.

Update #3: UPDATED: U.S. Rejects Assad's Timetable For A Chemical Weapons Deal -- NPR

Update #4: Kerry says effort on Syria chemical weapons 'not a game' -- CNN

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