The Briefer: Ex-CIA No. 2 On Syria Crisis -- CBS
The following script is from "The Briefer" which aired on Sept. 15, 2013. The correspondent is John Miller. Producers Ira Rosen and Gabrielle Schonder.
Every day in the Oval Office, the president gets a classified intelligence briefing. For the last year, an important part of that briefing has been the bloody civil war in Syria. The No. 2 man at the CIA, Mike Morell was a key voice in those meetings.
After 33 years in the CIA, there may be no one in Washington with as much experience in briefing presidents on complex security issues facing the United States. Morell retired from the CIA just six days before the chemical attacks in Syria. In his first television interview he told us what the war in Syria means to an already brittle region -- why it matters to the security of Americans at home.
John Miller: In the broadest sense, where is this Syria thing going to take us?
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My Comment: His fears of Syria collapsing and Al Qaeda linked rebels assuming control of some parts of Syria are justified .... in short .... this is Mike Morell's worse case scenario.