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» Scottsboro, Al. City Council Work Session August 5, 2013
Scottsboro, Al. City Council Work Session August 5, 2013
Monday, Aug. 5, 2013 was a work session of the Scottsboro City Council.
Congratulations to the Scottsboro, Alabama, 8 year old, Dizzy Dean Baseball League players. The team received the Sportsmanship Award at the Dizzy Dean World Series recently in South Haven, Ms. http://dizzydeanbbinc.org/bb_world_series.htm Scottsboro Mayor Potter and City Council President Patrick Stewart made the awards presentation at Monday nights Scottsboro City Council meeting.
In other business, the Scottsboro Quarterback Club presented a plan to close Legion Dr. and change the traffic pattern of Cecil St, during home football games. Bids were discussed concerning construction of the façade for the old Derrick Office Building site.
Council Meeting Video