I also have 3 out of the 5 fun bars. These aren't necessarily my favourite ones, I just find that the bars 'melt' somewhat if left for too long without use. I tend to rotate which ones I buy every couple of months.
There are many items that aren't featured in these pictures, such as fresh face masks and cleansers, simply because I couldn't be bothered to gather them up from various rooms in the house and take pictures of said items. They are however, listed below.
Current Stash:
Angels On Bare Skin
Aromaco Solid Deodorant
A Token to the Forest Gods Toner Tab
Aqua Marina
Bubblegum Lip Scrub
Candy Fluff
Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask
Charisma Skin Tint
Dream Steam Toner Tab
Dream Time Temple Balm
Fun bars (Yellow, Pink and Red)
Herbalism Facial Cleanser
Lip Dip Sugar Scrub
Lip Lime Balm
Moon and Sun Toner Tab
None of your Bees Wax Balm
Oatfix Fresh Face Mask
Popcorn Lip Scrub
Pow Wow Lip Scrub
Sandy Santa Scrub
Silky Underwear
Stepping Stone Scrub
Sweet Lips Scrub
Sugar Plum Fairy
Sugar Scrub
Tea Tree Toner Tab
Tea Tree Toner Water
Teo Deodorant
The Kiss Lip BalmT is for Toes Foot Powder
Toothy Tabs (Dirty and Atomic)
Tulip Wand
Ultrabalm Balm
Vanilla Puff
Volcano Foot Mask
Washing Up Fairy.