Jasmine's Moving on Up

Today Jasmine will be going to a new foster home. I'm excited for her as I think it will be yet another direction towards what she needs. The new foster home has fewer dogs (only 2!) and should hopefully be able to spend more time with her. Plus they are closer to Illinois so it will be easier for any approved adopter to get to meet her, sometimes it sucks being all the way out in the middle of Iowa when the main rescue branch is in the middle of Illinois :). Oh well, I've always managed well! Sometime I'll have to blog about the parade of dogs that have gone through my house on their way to their forever homes :).

Jasmine's beautiful smile :)
Photo credit: Amy Turner

You Too Can Have Quirks Like Mine

Jasmine has many silly quirks that just compliment her sweet personality:
  • She spins when she is excited (i.e. feeding times!)
  • She levitates/jumps (all four feet off the ground) next to you when it's time to go outside
  • She LOVES old, empty marrow bones and will carry one in her mouth EVERYWHERE (even outside to potty!)
  • She has a colic down the backside of her neck that is so large it almost looks like philoerection
  • She doesn't know how to play fetch...yet :)
  • She's scared of other dogs (hopefully we can make that better!)

Jasmine loves to run!
Photo credit: Amy Turner

Jasmine will make somebody a great companion. She will just need some time to come to grips with the world since she's seeing a lot of things for the first time! She has good days and bad days but every day gets better and better for her. Don't forget to check her out on the Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus website and while you're at it, you should like the rescue's face book page (nothing like a shameless plug for my favorite rescue!).

Such a sweet soul.
Photo credit: Amy Turner

Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. Jasmine, you are beautiful :).

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