"The letter says Soldier N told his wife there is a 'box which members of his unit use for private jobs... They put in the box the name, address and details of what they want done and then one of them who wants to earn extra money does that job.'
"When Soldier N was challenged by his mother-in-law, he is accused of saying: 'Let me stop you right there – I kill women and I kill children.'
Soldier N's wife last night told the Daily Mail that she had not spoken to detectives about the allegations.
Princess Diana Murder....

The Sunday People reports that UK police are investigating the claim that Princess Diana was murdered by the SAS, the UK military's special forces regiment.
"The allegation emerged at the second court martial of Sergeant Danny Nightingale, who was found guilty of illegally possessing a gun and ammunition."
Princess Diana: Police probe sensational claim she was killed by SAS

The allegation came in a letter to the SAS's commanding officer.
The letter is from the parents-in-law of a special forces sniper, Soldier N.
Soldier N. was Sgt Nightingale's former housemate and a key witness for the prosecution.
The letter says Solider N boasted the SAS 'was behind Princess Diana’s death'.
The UK authorities have known about the allegation since the letter was sent in September 2011.
The SAS passed the letter to the Service Prosecuting Authority prior to the start of the Sgt Nightingale trial.
The letter says Solider N boasted the SAS 'was behind Princess Diana’s death'.
The UK authorities have known about the allegation since the letter was sent in September 2011.
The SAS passed the letter to the Service Prosecuting Authority prior to the start of the Sgt Nightingale trial.
The Service Prosecuting Authority removed all references to the SAS before it released the letter to the court.

The letter says:
"He (Soldier N) also told her (his wife) that it was the XXX who arranged Princess Diana’s death and that has been covered up."
It was a tip-off from Soldier N's estranged wife that led to a Glock 17 pistol being found in Nightingale's room at a Hereford house the SAS colleagues shared.
Soldier N.
"The sergeant is the subject of a new inquiry into “historic” claims of abuses by British soldiers.
It was a tip-off from Soldier N's estranged wife that led to a Glock 17 pistol being found in Nightingale's room at a Hereford house the SAS colleagues shared.
Soldier N.
"The sergeant is the subject of a new inquiry into “historic” claims of abuses by British soldiers.
"The case is the first murder inquiry involving a member of the special forces to form part of the wider Iraq Historical Allegations Team (Ihat) inquiry.
"The sergeant, a trained sniper known only as Soldier N, was the key prosecution witness in the court martial of Sgt Danny Nightingale, the SAS sniper found guilty last week of illegally possessing a Glock pistol and ammunition in his civilian quarters."
SAS sniper in inquiry over Iraq 'murder' - Telegraph
"The sergeant, a trained sniper known only as Soldier N, was the key prosecution witness in the court martial of Sgt Danny Nightingale, the SAS sniper found guilty last week of illegally possessing a Glock pistol and ammunition in his civilian quarters."
SAS sniper in inquiry over Iraq 'murder' - Telegraph
The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services reportedly trained the Tamil Tigers.
(Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups)
The SAS trained bin Laden's Mujahedin fighters in Scotland
The SAS trained bin Laden's Mujahedin fighters in Scotland
Shortly after his visit there were big changes in UK security policy, including the setting up of what was to become the Force Reconnaissance Unit (FRU) .
The FRU may have been involved in the de Menezes killing.