Wordless Wednesday - warning - dead mouse photo ahead

And the rest of the story...

Put a dab of peanut butter on the yellow center circle and place trap. When mouse is caught, it kills it instantly when the trap closes on it's neck. Carry trap to disposal site, squeeze the ends together and the mouse falls out. In this case, into a plastic bag that was sealed and taken to the dumpster.  Sorry mouse, but you can't be in my house.

Tomcat Mouse Snap Trap - Best little mouse trap I've ever seen. 

Barbara/Katie 3, Mice 0.

(See sidebar on right for link to Amazon page with Tomcat info. I've bought a bunch of different kinds of traps, but this Snap Trap is the only that that has worked.)

From me and Katie, have a great mouse-free Wednesday, everyone!  :)

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