Saturday June 21- Unplugged Day
We decided we were all becoming a little too electronic dependent. And so we decided for one whole day we wouldn't use any.
The day started off ok; Hayden resorted to reading, while Peyton resorted to napping.
Calib helped me work on the quilt for my cousin.
And we finally broke out the new board game: King of Tokyo. Which was a big hit. We've had it since January and not played it!
Also our maraca's finally dried from Mexico day, so we filled them and added handles.
Before building a blanket fort in the entire living room, which the boys slept in. Overall, a total success. We might have unplugged Saturday once a month. Once of course vacation and such is over.
Sunday- June 23
The blanket fort went over so well, the boys continued it the next day in their rooms. I did miss my kitchen chairs though.
Monday June 24- Welcome to Game week!
Usually during our weeks, I do an activity with the kids related to our theme, plus our school work and then in the evening we do a family event. But, I knew somewhere I had saved our old Math Jeopardy board from when Peyton had a really hard time with school and we were trying to come up with new ways to help him. So, i dug it out, and I made the board. Math Monday, Meet Game Week. A nice pairing if I do say so myself. We decided game week would be a good way for the boys to earn some extra points, and that we would let them exchange points for money for vacation spending money. Calib did the best, since he bet all of his on his daily double and got it right.
The boys also begged to do Master Chef. I was totally against this at first, I didn't want wasted food and a messy kitchen. But, then I thought about how much they wanted to do it, and decided to let them go for it. A little wasted food and a messy kitchen isn't the worst thing in the world. And so, we gave them three items-- peanut butter, bacon and/or sausage, and chocolate chips. They had to include one of these items in their dish.
And so, they served their food. Peyton made chips and salsa, and some chocolate dipped bacon. Not amazing, but certainly edible. It went downhill from there.
I'll go ahead and let the pictures speak for themselves. I only pretended to take a bite of Haydens undercooked sausage, potato chip, peanut butter, and marshmallow sandwich. Asa apparently didn't realize that was an option. He actually took a bite.
Calib made a smores sandwich (with a side of very burnt bacon). It was sort of gross, but we decided had he grilled it, it actually might have been pretty good. Peyton won for the sheer fact that we could actually eat his.
Also worth noting: On Monday we got a puzzle letter in the mail from Brandy. It was also my dad's birthday, so the moose puzzle was an awesome thing to get that day. Thanks again, Brandy!
Monday was very busy, as we even had Price is Right that evening. The boys won cards (staying up late, getting out of chores, ect..) instead of points. It was really an awesome system they had to bid on how many points they thought we would charge for that card. Hayden played plinko, which I had made out of cardboard and push pins, with poker chips, so he did get some points. Calib and Hayden made it into the showcase, and Hayden won; Biding 44 points on a showcase containing an Early Friday (where he could buy his cards again on Thursday instead o the usual Friday), 1-2-3-4-5-6 Not It (TWO days out of chores, instead of the usual one), and Night Owl (stay up as late as you want). He was THRILLED. Oh, and in case you were wondering; the actual retail point value of the showcase was 48.
Oh, and Asa is finding a way to get out of his chores without cards, Calib is learning how to mow the lawn. I had to take a picture to document the event.
Tuesday June 25th
For Two-fer Tuesday, we did our small reports on the Redwoods, and made it to 1776 on the time line, so everyone would know what the fourth of July was all about. We played wheel of fortune on Tuesday night, and Peyton won the prize puzzle: Play all the Video Games. Winning, of course, a card to play as many video games for one day as he wanted. He was SO happy.
Wednesday June 26th
After writing Wednesday, we cut off the bottoms of some milk jugs I had been saving for weeks. They make for an awesome game of catch (which I quickly realized needed to be played outside)
And then it was time for deal or no deal.... for points.
Basically, Hayden knocked out the whole right side of his board except for the 50 point case. Despite having 10 cases left, he kept refusing offers. It came down to 50 or 8, and he said he wanted his case, despite everyone telling him to take the deal of 30 points. Well, Hayden was right and his case contained 50. This later became a problem as Calib and Peyton also refused to listen to their odds. Except, they were not as lucky as Hayden. Peyton walked away with a deal of 13 points (which was a good deal since he had 3 in his case), Calib walked away with 31 (an ok deal, but he did have 35 in his case). It is the best to watch though. But I won't lie, there's ALWAYS tears involved.
Thursday June 27th
Science Theory Thursday saw us blowing up balloons with vinegar and baking soda. Hayden was still scared it was going to explode, but didn't run screaming to his room like last year, so good job there.
And our neighbor brought me over 25 pounds of fresh picked tomatoes from the farmers market. I really want to get down to Tampa with him next time he goes. It was 25 pounds for $10! I wonder what other things I could find. But, I knew he was going and I couldn't make it this time so I had him pick me up some, so nice of him.
For our day time activity, we set up the volleyball/badminton net my mom had brought as a present. It was super fun, But as far as hand eye coordination, my kids are seriously lacking.
A quick trip to the pool
And a very large grasshopper
and it was time for dinner. We invited Justin over, and he brought us silverware because he says we never have enough (and he would be right)
Then my mom was off on her two day business trip..
In which Hayden convinced her to take Flat Hayden. (He's rather jealous of Flat Peyton's adventures)
We came home in time to play hundred point money drop, in which you are asked questions and basically bet all or part of your money on the answer. Calib won all 100 points. Apparently, we didn't know he knew as much random info as he does. Peyton got a respectable 35, and Hayden bet his last 13 that there are polar bears in Antarctica. (Despite our research less than a week earlier)
Friday June 28th
After a busy week, this mom needed a break. So I basically took the day off. We did finally take advantage of Sonic's 1/2 priced shakes after 8pm and brought some back for the kids. Peyton was in heaven between that and using his video game master card.
And Calib finally finished book 2 of Harry Potter and moved on to number 3!
Saturday June 29
Grandma arrived back, bearing more gifts. This time it was a bat from her earlier Louisville trip.
After playing some Kinect Disneyland..
Hayden was so happy to have grandma back he even tucked her in.
Sunday June 30-
Sunday it was time to start planning for the busy week ahead. Even the board made us look very busy!
Peyton finally decided to crack open the first Harry Potter book for his 20 minutes of reading.
While Mom dealt with the 25 pounds of tomatoes for me.
And then we all played yet another new Jenga meets Scrabble game.
Oh, and I gave everyone hair cuts, including Nooms. He's Fancy Nooms now!
Next Up: Our last week in Florida for awhile, the Waterstraut Olympics AND PEYTON'S BIRTHDAY!! WHOOOO!