FAYE’S SECRET IS UNCOVERED. When Mary catches Faye trying to steal food from the corner shop she doesn’t buy Faye’s explanation that her dad’s late home from work and she’s hungry. Sensing there’s more to it Mary alerts Owen and using Dev’s spare key they open up the flat. Will they find Faye home alone?
ROY’S SLEEPWALKING HAS DANGEROUS CONSEQUENCES. When Hayley’s woken by the smoke alarm she rushes downstairs to find Roy has been sleepwalking again and nearly burnt down the cafe. Scared Roy finally agrees to see a doctor.
DAVID’S VENDETTA TAKES A NEW TWIST. When David witnesses Peter goading Nick in the street about his paranoia over Leanne he’s struck by a dark idea and keys Peter’s car, what is he up to?
ELSEWHERE Rita hates seeing Tina in so much turmoil and offers her money for a holiday. Will Tina accept or continue to insist on facing her problems head on? Emily has a shock proposition for Norris.
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