Siena ~ il Palio

Have you ever heard of il Palio?
This is the horse race that is held in Siena, Italy two times a year . . . for the past nearly 500 years. July 2nd is the day of the BIG race.

When I say BIG, I mean really BIG to the Sienese.
The Campo is blocked off and 10 horses representing the 17 contradas are raced bareback in front of screaming crowds.

Last year the winner was the Wave (represented by the Dolphin) with the colors of blue and white . . .
I'll get back to why that is so important.
A true Sienese knows where each contrada begins and ends. People are born and married into these little communities.
To wander the back streets of Siena is to be on a perpetual scavenger hunt ~
There are markings of each contrada, if you know what you are looking for.
The Goose, the Tortoise . . .

The Valley of the ram is represented by the rhinoceros.
The Tower here shows the elephant.
Evan this bar on the Campo is named il Palio . . . it's BIG!

Our friend Antonella has so many fun stories about the antics from year to year. They take this very seriously.
Which get's me back to the color of the winning Contrada last year ~ blue and white ~ the same color as the flag of the new Pope.
Could it be that there was divine intervention?
It depends on who you ask.
I will be watching for news this evening of who wins the Palio ~ surely ESPN will have a camera in the crowd.

I am also joining Our World Tuesday
Y'all enjoy the ride~

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