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Archaeology Times Online Magazine“ARCHAEOLOGY TIMES” Online Magazine is aimed at archaeologists on it’s wide professions including curators,conservators,excavators and geologists,etc with particular interests to enhance the field of archaeology with archaeological news, plus articles , books, links, and more.. This established bi-monthly online magazine publishes original research papers and major review articles, of wide archaeological significance.
ARCHAEOLOGY TIMES provides an international forum for archaeologists allover the world to write interesting articles and news by different languages. They share a common interest in developing and applying scientific methods to inform major debates through improving the quality and reliability of scientific information derived from archaeological research.
The ARCHAEOLOGY TIMES Members have conducted fieldwork in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and North and South America. ARCHAEOLOGY TIMES are dedicated to the greater understanding of archaeology, the protection and preservation of the world’s archaeological resources,art,heritage and cultures. It also would play a major role in the encouragement and support of archaeological research and publication.
Archaeology Times. Issue 5 July 2013 PDF (2) 19MB
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Archaeology Times. Issue 5 July 2013 ZIP (0) 17MB
Archaeology Times. Issue 4 Dec/Feb 2013 PDF (1041) 27.3MB
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Archaeology Times. Issue 4 Dec/Feb 2013 ZIP (351) 24.6MB
Archaeology Times. Issue 3 May/Aug 2012 PDF (1055) 46MB
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Archaeology Times. Issue 3 May/Aug 2012 ZIP (382) 44MB
Archaeology Times. Issue 2 Jan/Feb 2012 PDF (1638) 241MB
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Archaeology Times. Issue 2 Jan/Feb 2012 RAR (527) 196MB
Archaeology Times. Issue 1 Nov/Dec 2011 PDF (1761) 40MB
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Archaeology Times. Issue 1 Nov/Dec 2011-(Compressed RAR) (617) 20MB