Nomisma Update

New and Improved Released  
Friday, July 12, 2013
Today we have released the new and improved  There have been some updates to fix consistency problems in the data.  One of the major improvements is the importation of multilingual labels pulled from dbpedia through the XForms-based editing interface (I'll write up a blog post to discuss the Nomisma back-end eventually, and probably write up something more detailed for publication in code4lib or CAA).  In addition to data improvements, we have introduced some major new functionalities:

 SPARQL endpoint (

 The new Nomisma server employs an RDF triplestore and SPARQL endpoint based on Apache Fuseki.  The endpoint is detailed in an older post, "How to Participate in OCRE."  Instead of launching a triplestore specifically for OCRE, we have launched it more generally for Nomisma.  Therefore, we can insert into it RDF describing non-Roman imperial coins.  OCRE, then, queries the Nomisma triplestore to power its mapping, quantitative analysis, and thumbnail-displaying capabilities.  When we release the new linked data-aware OCRE (which will contain all RIC types through Commodus) within the next few weeks, I'll provide a more detailed blog post about how OCRE functions...

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