Bryn Estyn Children's home - reportedly used as a boy brothel by MI5, the UK security service.
The Jillings report confirms 'extensive' child abuse at UK children's homes in north Wales
The Jillings Report was written 17 years ago, in 1996, but it was hushed up.
It looked into child abuse at children's homes in north Wales, including Bryn Estyn in Wales.
The report has now finally been published, and it identifies long-term "extensive" abuse at children's homes in north Wales, during the 1970s through to the 1990s.
The report still fails to mention the names of the top people who reportedly raped children at the homes.
Sports day at one of the North Wales homes. (via Honk Bonk Man)
The report found:
At least 12 children had died
It was not known how many alleged perpetrators, including police officers, were named in the statements

Simon Regan helped to expose the scandal. Photo by: Idris Martin. Website for this image
The Jillings inquiry was followed by another investigation by the late Sir Ronald Waterhouse.
In 2012, a victim claimed the Waterhouse report in 2000 had not uncovered the full scale of the abuse.

The following is part of an article written in 2000 by the editor of Scallywag magazine, Simon Regan.
Source: Organized Rage
By Simon Regan.
...The report suggests there is 'no evidence' that Freemasonry had anything to do with the scandal.
Yet there were two inadequate and inconclusive police inquiries, including one into a senior officer, by a force in North Wales riddled with freemasons...
In the early nineties, in the now defunct Scallywag magazine, which I founded, we interviewed in some depth twelve former inmates at Bryn Estyn who had all been involved in the Wrexham paedophile ring...
In the early nineties, in the now defunct Scallywag magazine, which I founded, we interviewed in some depth twelve former inmates at Bryn Estyn who had all been involved in the Wrexham paedophile ring...
Two of these young men, who had been 14-years-old at the time, swore they had been not only introduced to the paedophile ring operating in the Crest Hotel in Wrexham but had later been escorted on three or four occasions to an address in Pimlicowhere they were further abused.

Pimlico in London.
We took them separately to Pimlico and asked them to point out the building where this had taken place.
They were both positive in their identification.
It turned out to be the private flat of a well known .... lobbyist ... involved with the 'cash for questions' scandal.
At the time we ran a story entitled 'Boys for Questions' and named several prominent members of the then Thatcher government.
These allegations went to the very top of the Tory party, yet there was a curious and almost ominous lack of writs.

Dolphin Square
The lobbyist was a notorious 'queen' who specialised in gay parties with a 'political mix' in the Pimlico area - most convenient to the Commons - and which included selected flats in Dolphin Square.
The lobbyist was a notorious 'queen' who specialised in gay parties with a 'political mix' in the Pimlico area - most convenient to the Commons - and which included selected flats in Dolphin Square.
The two young men were able to give us very graphic descriptions of just what went on, including acts of buggery, and alleged that they were only two of many from children's homes other than North Wales.
There was, to my certain knowledge, at least one resignation from the Conservative office in Smith Square once we had published our evidence and named names.
There was, to my certain knowledge, at least one resignation from the Conservative office in Smith Square once we had published our evidence and named names.

MI6 spy Gareth Williams, 31, was found locked inside a bag at his flat in Pimlico, south London, on August 23, 2010.
Subsequently, over a rent dispute which is still a matter of litigation, Dr. Julian Lewis, now Conservative MP for New Forest (East) but then deputy head of research at Conservative Central Office in Smith Square, managed to purchase the contents of our offices, which included all our files.
It had been alleged that we owed rent, which we disputed, but under a court order the landlords were able to change the locks and seize our assets which included all our files, including those we had made on paedophiles. It was apparently quite legal, but it was most certainly a dirty trick.
One of the children's homes in North Wales where abuse took place.
All of a sudden very private information, some of it even privileged between ourselves and our lawyer during the John Major libel action, was being published in selected, pro-Conservative sections of the media.
Subsequently, during a court case initiated by Lewis, I was able in my defence to seek discovery of documents and asked to see the seized files.
One of the children's homes in North Wales where abuse took place.
All of a sudden very private information, some of it even privileged between ourselves and our lawyer during the John Major libel action, was being published in selected, pro-Conservative sections of the media.
Subsequently, during a court case initiated by Lewis, I was able in my defence to seek discovery of documents and asked to see the seized files.
The paedophile papers were missing...

Pimlico Gardens
The real trouble about exposing paedophiles is that former victims of child abuse make lousy witnesses...
By the very nature of the abuse, when they are rudely shoved out into the wide world (one of the witnesses, Stephen Messham, for example, was released on his sixteenth birthday on Christmas day after two years of abuse, and had to sleep rough on the streets for four and a half months), they are often deeply psychologically disturbed.
Some of the extreme cases commit suicide, many more were sexually disorientated in the worst possible way.
Some of the extreme cases commit suicide, many more were sexually disorientated in the worst possible way.
Some became gay prostitutes, others drug addicts...
It was all very well for us to take statements from former victims in the cosy atmosphere of a pub lunch, but put them up against an agile and eminent QC whose sole task is to discredit them, and they quickly crumble, even break down in tears.
Many former victims now have criminal records of some kind, owing almost exclusively to the abuse itself, and the barrister will brutally exploit this as evidence that the witness is unreliable and tainted.

Website for this image...
Faced with the choice of a clearly neurotic young man who quickly falls down in the witness box, and a smooth, experienced, erudite and often highly respected culprit, juries tend to give the accused the benefit of the doubt.
I watched it in the now famous Court 13 at the High Court during the libel action between former Supt. Gordon Anglesey and Private Eye (and others) when, despite the fact that under cross examination, Anglesey had to admit that his evidence did not correspond with his own notebooks, the 'other side' subsequently tore the five main prosecution witnesses to pieces in a monumental act of judicial harassment.
I watched it in the now famous Court 13 at the High Court during the libel action between former Supt. Gordon Anglesey and Private Eye (and others) when, despite the fact that under cross examination, Anglesey had to admit that his evidence did not correspond with his own notebooks, the 'other side' subsequently tore the five main prosecution witnesses to pieces in a monumental act of judicial harassment.
Like the whole story of child abuse in North Wales and elsewhere, it broke my heart.
Simon Regan (now deceased) was editor of Scallywag Magazine.
Simon Regan (now deceased) was editor of Scallywag Magazine.
aangirfan: Bryn Estyn Boys' Home in North Wales 3, 2008 - "It's exactly the same as Bryn Estyn – brushing things under the carpet,... (Bryn Estyn victims relive nightmare as Haut de la Garenne gives up .aangirfan: SAVILE ABUSED BOYS AT BRYN ESTYN 7, 2012 - Savile, 'working for the spooks'. According to former residents of Bryn Estyn children's home in Wales: 1. Sir Jimmy Savile was a regular visitor ...aangirfan: THE WATERHOUSE 'COVER-UP' 8, 2012 - Bryn Estyn children's home in North Wales, used as a boy brothel for the.... The defendants relied upon the evidence of three former Bryn Estyn ...aangirfan: CHILD ABUSE COVER UP; WATERHOUSE; ISLINGTON 15, 2013 - Nov 8, 2012 – Bryn Estyn children's home in North Wales, used as a boy brothel for the elite. "The Waterhouse tribunal, which investigated child ...aangirfan: CHILD RAPE; JILLINGS; COVER-UP 11, 2012 - Many related to the Bryn Estyn care home in Wrexham, which had been run by ... Savile reportedly visited Bryn Estyn children's home in Wales.aangirfan: LORD McALPINE 'WRONGLY LINKED' TO CHILD ABUSE 9, 2012 - Jimmy McAlpine lived near the Bryn Estyn children's home in ... Steve Messham, a former resident of Bryn Estyn, said he had been taken to a ...aangirfan: Jersey, Bryn Estyn and Belgium - are we to believe the ... 13, 2008 - On 1 December 1991, the Independent on Sunday referred to former Police Superintendent Gordon Anglesea and children's home Bryn Estyn ...aangirfan: THE ABUSED SPEAK OUT 6, 2012 - A former resident of the Bryn Estyn children's home has told Channel ...The former resident said: "I saw him at Bryn Estyn, he turned up in a car, ...aangirfan: LORD McALPINE INNOCENT; OTHERS ARE NOT 10, 2012 - Steve Messham, former resident of the children's home Bryn Estyn, has... Elias: "Were the acts you speak of while you were at Bryn Estyn or ... aangirfan: THATCHER'S PEOPLE 9, 2012 - A local councillor, Keith Gregory, who was a victim of abuse at Bryn Estyn, told the Guardian he did not believe Lord Alistair McAlpine was the ...aangirfan: SAVILE; ELITE CHILD ABUSE 3, 2012 - "During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, in Clwyd, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged ...aangirfan: "NAME McALPINE GIVEN BY POLICE" 11, 2012 - Brendon Randalls, former Bryn Estyn resident, died aged 27 from alcohol abuse in April 1994. Allegedly the victim of a serious sexual offence.aangirfan: PEDOPHILE RING IN PRIME MINISTER'S HOME? 24, 2012 - 3 days ago – The Bryn Estyn home, in Wrexham in North Wales, was the scene ofchild ...aangirfan: SAVILE, GEORGE THOMAS, LEO ABSE, POLICE 1, 2012 - aangirfan: Jersey, Bryn Estyn and Belgium - are we to believe the . ... All the more reason for us to keep revealing the evidence Aangirfan :-).aangirfan: GARY SPEED - MYSTERIOUS DEATH 11, 2011 - Organised child abuse took place at Bryn Estyn Children's Home, not ...Chester is near the childrens home at Bryn Estyn in Wrexham that was ...aangirfan: CHILD RAPE; JILLINGS; COVER-UP | Out For The Day › UncategorizedNov 11, 2012 - Keith has backed fellow former Bryn Estyn resident Steve Messham's claims that children were taken out of Bryn Estyn to be abused in ...aangirfan - BloggerNews 8, 2012 - [ 2012.11.07 - aangirfan ]. Savile, 'working for the spooks'.According to former residents of Bryn Estyn children's home in Wales:1. Sir Jimmy ...aangirfan - FREEMASONS COVER-UP OF TOP CHILD ABUSE ... 7, 2012 - source: ...reported the theft of articles by a former Bryn Estyn resident while the ...