(en) US, Portland, Oregon, Dare To Struggle

Dare to Struggle is a collective of revolutionaries in Portland Oregon that seeks to 
participate in and contribute to the development of a revolutionary movement of movements 
in the United States. We seek to engage in these political crises in our time towards the 
overthrow of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy and for the liberation and self 
determination of all oppressed people. ---- Towards these ends we are structured as an 
anti-authoritarian cadre organization. We believe the type of cadre organization necessary 
at this specific time and place, is one that prioritizes the development of revolutionary 
leadership of women, people of color, and LGTBQ folks. By revolutionary we mean leadership 
that is committed, accountable and seeks to do work that is strategic.

As an organization that is primarily made up of women, poc, and LGTBQ cadre, we do this 
work by creating the space to empower, challenge, and engage with one another through 
study, criticism/self criticism, and strategic political work and development.

Our strategy for revolution in the United States is two fold to attack U.S. 
Capitalism/colonialism at one of its foundational roots by struggling against white 
supremacy and to do this work through a trans-disciplinary revolutionary feminist praxis, 
that seeks all gender and sexual self determination.
For most recent news, activity, and writings see our BLOGhttp://www.daretostrugglepdx.com

Dare to Struggle Points of Unity

Revolutionary: We believe capitalist white supremacist patriarchy cannot be reformed, we 
seek to attack these root systems that lay at the foundations of capitalism in the United 
States. We seek to build struggle and engage in liberation movements as social ruptures 
develop to push the envelope on liberatory ideas and practices. Liberalism is the enemy of 
revolutionaries, in that it seeks a kinder gentler white supremacist capitalist 
patriarchy. It seeks to co-opt revolutionary ideas into collaborating peace with the 
capitalist powers. As revolutionaries we seek to do work that is strategic, builds, and is 

Anti-Capitalist: We believe that the historical materialist foundation and development of 
capitalism in the United States is rooted in both white supremacy and patriarchy. The 
super profits and surplus production system was built on the land, labor and blood of the 
colonization of indigenous people, the enslavement and internal colonization of Afrikans, 
the annexation and colonization of sovereign nations Puerto Rico, northern Mexico, Hawaii, 
and indigenous and first nation peoples. The patriarchal maintenance of capitalism is 
evident in the reproduction of labor and the onset of the gendered workforce. Capitalism 
in the United States adapts and grasps at all potential mechanisms to further divide and 
exploit the working class. Furthermore as capital has globalized production, distribution 
and it's quest for resources, our struggle must be international.

-Against Colonialism: Colonization is about land, hearts and minds. The physical and 
psychological struggle towards decolonization is a war to hold onto culture, sovereignty, 
and autonomy. Self determination is necessary for oppressed nationalities to fully develop 
their liberation struggles.

-Against Neo-Colonialism: Since the anti-colonial struggles in the United States and 
internationally in the 50s-70s, western capital has moved into a new phase of colonialism, 
neo-colonialism. Neocolonialism has sought to divide the oppressed and their struggle, by 
elevating segments of our class, by offering them some economic/social privileges, and 
creating an administration level amongst our own to reinforce white supremacist 
capitalism. This has taken place globally, including the United States, and it is a tool 
which is used in U.S. wars for resources internationally.

Revolutionary Feminism: The struggle against white supremacist capitalism necessitates it 
be done from a revolutionary feminist praxis. White supremacist patriarchy is part of the 
foundational roots of maintaining and reproducing capitalism. Women?s liberation has been 
betrayed time and again by liberals, racists, and class collaborationists. Women?s 
liberation necessitates a struggle against white supremacist capitalism. Revolutionary 
feminism is the destruction of the gender binary, a queer liberation praxis, and a 
militant anti-white supremacist praxis. Revolutionary feminism looks to develop an 
understanding of reproductive labor and the binary constructs of gendered labor and the 
destruction of right wing moralism.

Queer Liberation: Inherent in revolutionary feminism is the struggle to deconstruct the 
gender binary and hetero-normativity. Heterosexism and homophobia are not just divisive 
tools of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, but are intentional mechanisms of 
maintaining capitalist gender roles. White supremacist capitalist patriarchy uses the 
gender binary to construct these gendered labor roles, nuclear family units for 
foundational social control, the concepts of masculine and feminine, and the enforcement 
of reactionary right wing moralism and backwardness on society. Queer liberation is not 
about tolerance or assimilation. It is about destroying capitalism, white supremacy and 
patriarchy, there can be no liberation of LGTBQ folks (or anyone) until this is done.

For communism: We are struggling for a classless and stateless society based on the 
principles ?From each according to ability, to each according
to need.? We believe in the necessity for communists in the United States to regroup and 
envision a new communism, based on movement analysis and lessons past and present. We 
interpret communism from an anti-authoritarian, autonomous, and feminist perspective.

On Practice:

Revolutionary Leadership: Leadership should be intentional, strategic, and accountable. We 
believe leadership is not about power, it is about respect and active listening, and 
directly accountable to the organization, and movements they are engaged with. We believe 
leadership should be intentionally developed amongst the oppressed under white supremacist 
capitalist patriarchy.

Democratic Participation: We believe in horizontal structure and empowerment. We believe 
in creating safer space for those marginalized by the largely hetero white cis gendered 
male left to engage fully in dialogue and decision making. We believe in the necessity for 
comrades in Dare to Struggle to support the organization decisions even if not in full 
agreement, with the comradely understanding that we all have the best intentions at heart, 
the liberation of our people.

Revolutionary Discipline: We believe in the necessity of creating an accountable culture 
of revolutionary discipline. This should be based on respect and understanding of the work 
we do and why we do it. Our work should be done out of love for our people and the 
liberation struggle at stake. We must begin to take ourselves, and our ideas, seriously. 
If we take a task, we must complete that task. We should seek growth in skills, study, and 
engagement to better understand the world around us and better challenge white supremacist 
capitalist patriarchy. We must be accountable to one another and should seek to use the 
tools of criticism/self criticism to develop ourselves, our organization, and the social 
struggles we participate in.

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