Corrie weekly awards: July 1 - 5

Mother Hubbard Award: Tim's cupboard is bare.

Grumpy Guts award: Norris. I'm surprised he has any customers left, and all.

Lost Sheep award: Hayley has belled the cat. So to speak.

Dueling Suspicions: Gail and Nick are feeding each other's suspicions about Leanne now. David has done a good job.

Pants on Fire award: David "I'm not bothered about revenge" Platt.

Something up her sleeve award: I'm pretty sure Emily is winding up Norris. Never mind that he's sincerely apologized. I think Rita might be in on it.

Splitting Hairs award: Norris says he didn't go on at Emily to get her to sign over the house. But he did moan and gripe about all her relatives wanting it and where would that leave poor old Norris?

Start as you mean to go on award: Anna already attacked Tina in public, she's taking on Tim now and doesn't care who knows.

Two Timing award: Ryan got caught exchanging numbers and saliva with a woman he met in a club.

Lines of the Week 
 Emily to Norris "I hardly thing you can take the moral high ground"
Brian "What about a councillor?" Hayley "I tried that. You'd think I had suggested an interview with Oprah"
Kylie about Peter "Why would you want a digestive when you can have a custard cream?" David "It's Peter Barlow. Why have one biscuit when you can have two!"
Gail "Why do I always get it in the neck?" (because you can't keep your mouth shut)
Kylie "It's more like something David would do" (yet still they haven't figured it out)
Roy "The die is cast. I just have to live with it" (Superb stuff!)
Tina "David the husband. Not David the Haunted"
Peter "I don't think any woman I've ever been in a relationship with can say she was bored" (but that isn't necessarily a good thing)
Sylvia "Buy yourself some Tibetan bells. Dab on essential oil of Rama lama ding dong"
Sinead to Katy "You're more of a mug than me!"
Norris "I can't abide to see people gossiping" (Pot? Kettle?)

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