Boston Radio 92.9 To Swap Tickets For Rolling Stone Issue

Following the release of Rolling Stone's controversial August issue with alleged Bostonbomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the cover, thousands of angry subscribers to the magazine declared they would cease paying for the publication.

On Wednesday, retailers like CVS, Walgreens, Shaw's and others declared they would not sell copies of the Rolling Stone issue in-store. Greater Media’s WBOS Radio 92.9 FM  is taking it a step further.

Radio 92.9 announced on its Facebook page  it will 'buy' back copies of the August issue of Rolling Stone on Friday, July 26, in exchange for random concert tickets. The only stipulation is that the copies must be your subscription; in other words, a listener can't run to the store and buy a magazine just for the free tickets - that kind of defeats the purpose of the promotion.

Read the full statement: Click Here.

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