An Afghan Whistle Blower Still Has His Job And Rank

This Lone Army Colonel Is Risking It All By Telling America The Lies About Afghanistan -- Business Insider

Unlike government whisteblowers who have received hostile treatment from the Obama Administration — Peter Van Buren, Jesselyn Radack, John Kiriakou, Sibel Edmonds and Bradley Manning (to name a few) — a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army has written a damning indictment of America's highest military officers and the Afghan war without losing his job or rank.

Lt. Col. Daniel Davis published a candid 84-page report (via Rolling Stone) that is highly critical of the 2009 Afghan surge and the distortion of truth by senior ranking officials about the conditions on the ground in Afghanistan.

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My Comment: His report is still recommended reading for those who are interested in what is happening in Afghanistan. I also concur with the above post that by staying away from revealing classified intel .... he has avoided being prosecuted. But man-o-man .... he has been walking a very fine line.

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