Contrary to what it may seem like on Facebook and Twitter, I'm a very private person. I share only a fraction of my life publicly, most of it positive in some way.
In the last three months, I've gone through some serious dark events that I will remember forever. Whenever I thought it was done, the universe took me over another cresting wave and I had to hang on for dear life. Then another. Then another.
Those close to me know what I'm talking about. Those not so close to me will have no idea
and if they did, their jaws would be on the floor. However, I'm a "cup is half full" type of person. My default setting is happy, even in the most difficult times. So as I was going through the darkness, I was smiling (most of the time). I was writing (all the time). I was teaching. I was having a good time. Because I'm fully aware that you never get these times back.I say all this now because 1) I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel finally and I feel like talking about it (a little bit). 2) I seem to get a lot of hateful, angry, even jealous emails and general verbal attacks (usually on Facebook) from people who don't know me at all. These people think I have the easiest life on earth, that I'm somehow blessed with constant good luck, that I don't work for any of it, that I have no troubles, and they are angry as hell about this for some reason...maybe because they wish such things would happen to them, instead.
No doubt, I'm a lucky person, but not in the way that such people think. I'm lucky to have a tight and supportive immediate family. I'm lucky to possess the ability to smile and keep functioning while facing my fears or while being in pain (physical or spiritual). I’m lucky to have an art that benefits from the pain and rage I pour into it. And sometimes I'm just plain lucky.
Nevertheless, I also have and maintain a rigid work ethic, I'm not easily distracted, I'm persistent, I'm not afraid to say I don't know the answer, I'm willing to learn from anybody (large or small) who has the knowledge I need or want and I'm ambitious. My father taught me to create what I wanted to see if I didn't see it and my mother taught me that no obstacle was impregnable. I'm not bragging, I'm stating fact. And I will never be embarrassed of or play down what I do or what I have accomplished.