1. Let all Red flags be raised ... But the redNblack flags demand respect!* (pt)

In the late '40s, in an environment that kept the proportions brings similarities to our 
current moment, the anarchist Peter Catalo complained in the pages of the journal Direct 
Action that in the square of the Patriarch in S?o Paulo, where the people went to the 
streets to discuss the political situation of the country, "when the speakers rise are 
anarchists, the screaming takes stunning proportions." According Catalo, "organized a 
brigade of rioters in charge of yelling, whistling, insult and apostrophize all how in his 
harangues, do not comply with the dictates of the line just Prestiana absurd." (Catallo, 
Peter. Infamy Bolshevik. Direct action, Rio de January, 30/11/1946, No. 26, p. 01) Catalo 
expounded thus an attitude that can be considered as contrary to the direct democracy 
advocated by anarchists in public. The cheerleader was the pinnacle of Stalinism Brazilian 
headed by a party whose leaders were mostly former military lieutenants.

Vale situate the reader in the period. Luiz Carlos Prestes out of jail for driving 
Movement Queremista, going to rallies varguistas even after the Estado Novo having 
delivered his companion, Olga Ben?rio, the Nazis. This kind of cold political calculation 
- grounded in realpolitik Leninist - always ends up strengthening the political dirigisme 
worse in left. Namely, the mass booing speakers anarchists was the basis of the Communist 
Party of Brazil (also PCB) in its short legality when Prestes, the political prisoner 
becomes senator of the republic by the Constituent Assembly of 1946. Then the Brazilian 
section of the Moscow Party falls into lawlessness and, for the briefest period, flirts 
with revolutionary line (thesis '50), and then repent of everything. Any resemblance to 
the repentant ex-communists, the PT and today ahead of the Republic, is no coincidence.

Back to our context, despite the chronological differences and ideological protest Pedro 
Catalo sit well in some lines with annoyance reported in the text titled "Do not let the 
lower red flags" teacher Arcary Valerius, who exposed his opinion on the growing 
antipartidarismo that engulfed some manifestations in Brazil. We will not repeat the 
syntheses term to avoid tiring the reader, but it is said that the growing wave of 
protests, social movements have achieved a victory to decrease through the struggle and 
direct action, ticket prices in several cities . What at first fueled hopes almost turned 
disappointment with alarms coup and infiltration of the right and the extreme right in the 
protests, in an attempt to capture the agendas of the protesters, channeling 
demonstrations of popular force for reactionary ideologies and bloodproud. In this 
scenario, the corporate media stimulated the division between protesters and "rioters", 
also trying to consolidate the creation of scapegoats in order clear or masked, to 
associate strictly uprising certain political ideologies, a clear ploy to criminalize much 
of the fighting. The pinnacle of this measure was the invasion of the Civil Police 
headquarters Gaucha Anarchist Federation (FAG).

We wrote this text a few days after the article of prof. Arcary. Therefore, we have the 
"advantage" of the unfolding of events and our goal is to conduct a dialogue. We also do a 
few days after the text Z? Maria, in which the leader of PSTU apologizes to two formal 
anarchist organizations, and FARJ UNIPA, what we understand to generalize the previous 
excuses for misguided practices. Although a fair portrayal of the national leader of the 
PSTU contribute, as any self-criticism contributes frank with our respect, she can not 
hide our political differences. Keep criticism but emphasize the need both healthy debate 
among the left, and the drive needed to strengthen popular power from the Advanced June 
2013. Bind ourselves to say this because the first information circulating within the 
expanded field of the left, in particular in Trotskyism, that were the anarchists, these 
"incorrigible" guilty of the story, actively promoted the antipartidarismo.

This information was disseminated widely by sector Youth PSTU that a text catalyst for 
this opinion, Henrique Canary said that bourgeois liberalism was "the true philosophy of 
anarchism," comparing neoliberalism Margaret Thatcher to anarchism. This article poorly in 
terms of theoretical and historical, which may come to deserve a proper response in a 
brief moment, and reaffirmed insuflava so sectarian militants PSTU and other left parties 
to disseminate information that anarchists " fulfilled a role truly shameful "and" try to 
ban, including by means of physical force, the militants of political parties exercise a 
basic freedom. "

We know that, in the ranks of PSTU, as well as the dozens of Trotskyist groupings, are 
devoted to the cause of militant class and the people. But also so we are forced to say - 
so tough, but fraternal - that this view is completely wrong, even if it were being played 
in other analyzes (a) historical PSTU and (unfortunately) by other sectors Marxists who 
emphasize the inevitable "reactionary role of the anarchists" (PSTU, Let us fight together 
against the government). This usually is done by reproducing the cyclical theory of the 
"crisis of leadership", "apoliticism" and "non-state" as synonyms for capitulationism or 
other absurd generalizations. On the opposite side of Trotskyism, this opinion 
(non-partisanship of the popular movement synonymous with antipartidarismo and 
apoliticism) curiously coincides with the analysis of the governor PT Genro that in his 
rage against the repressive FAG, anarchism associated groups of the extreme right. 
Incidentally, it is also curious and sad, as the purpose of libelous former leader of the 
Revolutionary Communist Party (PRC), the current governor Genro unfortunately found some 
echo in articles written by members of the PSTU. Companions, if, indeed, the intent is to 
drive the left classist combative, these procedures are definitely the worst way.

In criticism of criticism (a) historical and theoretically absurd, sounds even more 
interesting when you know that the PRC was extinguished a split line Stalinist PC B and 
wrought by a decade as a political force in the internal PT '80 . In this same period, the 
PRC was the great enemy of the then Socialist Convergence (CS), which stands above the 
majority wing who composed the Revolutionary Front and then the PSTU, in the decade of 
'90. Tarsus and Canary coincide ratings theoretical weakness and (a) historical, and the 
brother Adelmo Genro (for shame wing sound of Marxism Brazilian), abuses of neologisms, 
classifying, microphones in the commercial media, militants FAG "anarcho-rightists". Such 
nonsense, said the governor - but amplified by Canary, by means of our approach to 
neoliberalism!, Said it was a political body would be the butt of jokes. As we live in an 
era of disinformation and slander, it becomes more of a "meme" innocuous speech and 
irresponsible, not to say politically criminal criminalizing a political organization with 
18 years of existence and public life.

Returning to the original text, which is largely the target of this criticism, it seems 
that the teacher Arcary - by his own opinion or the disadvantage of information days - 
reiterated some incorrect data in your article. It would be completely unfair to say that 
the prof. Arcary reproduced verbatim prejudices of Canary or governor Genro. In his 
article softens to some extent the generalization and theoretical poverty of the article 
"Anarchism and Socialism: the individual and the collective in the demonstrations" the 
site PSTU, perhaps because Arcary be a historian by profession and have access to the most 
basic of data history labor movement that Canary, either through disability or ideological 
prejudices denied (between them), the combat history of anarchists and ongoing fascism and 

The core of the criticism of PSTU was then "minimized" by Arcary, because I was not all 
anarchists, but "some small cores inspiration anarchists" who insist "the division of 
movement wanting to forcibly impose their ideology of screams." Asked sincerely partake of 
the same acts as the cries of "non-party" and aggression, at least in Rio de Janeiro and 
in the vast majority of cases of S?o Paulo, came from people with flags of Brazil. Do not 
believe to be necessary to say, that this is not an anarchist symbol.

Despite signs elementary opening for dialogue contained in the text of prof. Arcary, with 
which we agree, because this is the first step to break stereotypes politicians, it is 
necessary to elucidate the true facts all information conveyed. First, we agree with the 
opinion of the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ), member of the Brazilian 
Anarchist Coordination (CAB), which says repudiate "assaults on militant leftist political 
parties and popular movements" and any attitudes "fascist" come her where they may. We 
also support the note Free Pass Movement of S?o Paulo, which claims to be "a movement 
nonpartisan, not antipartid?rio" and rejects "the acts of violence directed at these 
organizations during the demonstration today, just as we condemn police violence." The MPL 
quite rightly states that "since the first protests, these organizations took part in the 
mobilization. Opportunism is trying to exclude them from the fight that we built together. 
"But we can not allow false information to be taken as a" letter of the law. "It seems 
that even the PSTU customarily virulent in their attacks on anarchists, had to finally 
acknowledge the opposite on your site. Fits say that such recognition came after an 
intense work of anarchists to refute such untruths. Fellows should review their tactics 
for the sake of unity in the fight. Yeah, workers' democracy of Trotskyism - the less 
Morenism - are guilty until proven otherwise. Had to "prove" the obvious, that the enemies 
were not libertarians, but neo-Nazis and undercover police to "invest against activists."

Unfortunately, the militants of the party - or at least their public leaders - had 
practical type purge public. Therefore, the factual truth can become a secondary element 
when they formulate their analysis because they carry within it historical and theoretical 
prejudices imposed. There are also two speeches, convenient according to the context. If 
the teacher Arcary, which by the way is also a member of the PSTU, makes the split between 
anarchists "honest" and who allegedly attacked the flags of their party (the rogue), the 
newsletter of the State of Rio de Janeiro PSTU distributed in plenary Front to Fight 
Increased Passage on 06/25/13 reaffirmed libel, refuted even on your own website, that the 
anarchists were responsible along with the fascists to attack their flags. If the site 
were fascists, plenaries policies were fascists, police infiltrated with anarchist groups! 
A clear attempt to neutralize the libertarian sector, is clearly identified in the 
anarchist political organizations or youth who do not agree with their practices and 
policies which are forward that do not necessarily align with the recent "jingoism" 
stimulated the right.

Even the bourgeois press newspapers announcing the news that it was obvious to anarchist 
militants, who attacks the party was part of a joint-wing directly. Far right that if 
today specifically attacks the Left parties have bother libertarians since the 80s and 
90s, excluding the previous historical experiences, when anarchists effectively build with 
other sectors antifascist fronts in common.

We, on this scenario, rehearsing steps critical and self-critical. Much of the anti-party 
sentiment was fostered by historical practices of the traditional left, and that, 
Trotskyism also has its responsibilities. Let's see what we came stating in documents and 
previous statements:

"Limits to the priority of the institutional left in play apparatuses and student union at 
the expense of strengthening the foundations. Limits of a practical and instrumental 
aparelhista with social movements, (...) lack of social inclusion of much of the left with 
the unemployed / those in slums, the poor youth and precarious. " (FARJ Brief analysis on 
the latest events and social movements in Brazil and libertarian socialist proposals to 
the fight).

All this generated a revulsion to political parties which today is largely channeled the 
right. Anarchism must also be self-critical, and current especifista that far from 
representing the whole of it "is called by common place of the anarchist movement" (FAG, 
Fighting win rate until the will of the streets!), Has been doing this with all its 
limits. Anarchism, and now we talk so much wider, can not admit confusion at this critical 
moment, around their political ideology; classism, the need for political organization, 
the foundation work and responsibility and collective discipline (Delo Truda, Platform of 
the Libertarian Communists) have always been part of his valuable history, represented by 
many selfless activists in various parts of the country. We welcome and great sympathy for 
those who today have as a reference, even though diffuse, sector libertarian socialism 
(anarchism). Anarchism, like Marxism, also has chains and key policy debates, not always 
reconcilable. If there is one sector (minority frankly throughout this mass upsurge and 
history of anarchism, by the way) that claims under anarchist individualists beacons or 
antiorganizacionistas, while maintaining respect for the different theoretical positions 
we defend, we consider totally incorrect assert that anarchism mostly endorses or aligns 
to this position. Any individual or organization that plays a caricature of bourgeois 
anarchism does a disservice to the cause. Do not consider them "enemies" or "fascist", but 
companions that in many cases, completely unaware of the theoretical and historical 
practice of anarchists.

We also have patience and generosity to those who arrive today and are approaching our 
ranks. The fight is pedagogical and formative for all of us. And above all, we should 
treat other political currents with respect and without stereotypes previously (de) 
formed. Do the same with Trotskyism and other currents of socialism. In this sense, no 
raffle off our principles, we will be anarchists, as we have always been on the side of 
the red flags of workers, be they political parties, social movements or associations. Our 
flags were lowered only by the force of reaction and authoritarianism. This was the case 
in Russia and Ukraine in 1919/21, when the anarchists were crushed by the Red Army under 
the command of Trotsky, Bulgaria, 20-40, where we were massacred by fascist and later by 
the Stalinists (including being sent to camps concentration), in Korea, where we were 
crushed by the Communists, the United States, where they were persecuted by the liberal 
state and capitalist American (especially the Sacco and Vanzetti case), civil-military 
dictatorship in Uruguay and Argentina, who chased, in the 60s and 70s, the black flags of 
laborers and anarchists, not to the extend in various other examples that required more space.

What we demand is respect and, therefore, have an open discussion is the best way we can 
tread. Without ignoring our ideological principles and the relevant historical 
experiences, in which we close ranks with other traditions of the left or been betrayed, 
anarchism has an important role to play in the broader set of socialism. We will continue 
to work without sectarianism to self-organize the working class and / the oppressed / 
overpriced but require addressing the red-black flags and anarchism as part of what has 
always been the industry libertarian socialism.

* Historian and Professor of History.
** Political Scientist and Professor of International Relations.
*** Editor and researcher.


Arcary, Valerius. Do not let down the red flags. Available in 

CANARY, Henry. Sector Youth PSTU. Anarchism and Socialism: the individual and the 
collective in mass mobilizations. Available inhttp://www.pstu.org.br/node/19465.

Catallo, Peter. Bolshevik infamy. Direct Action, Rio de Janeiro, 30.11.1946, n0 26, p. 01

Delo Truda, Platform of the Libertarian Communists. Available in 

FAG, Fighting tariff until she overcomes the will of the streets! Available in 

FAG, the plot of a farce! The attempt to criminalize Gaucha Anarchist Federation. 
Available in 

FARJ Brief analysis on the latest events and social movements in Brazil and libertarian 
socialist proposals to the fight. Available in 

PSTU, Let us fight together against the governments. Available in 

PSTU About PSTU flags in demonstrations and anarchists. Available in 

Article originally published in:

Posted by Daniel Augusto at 11:46

* Ateneu Libert?rio A Batalha da V?rzea:

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