U.S. Troops Returning To Iraq?

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, left, and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, brief reporters at the Pentagon, June 26, 2013. Hagel announced that President Barack Obama has nominated both Dempsey and Navy Adm. James A. Winnefeld Jr., vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to second terms. DOD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo

Back To Iraq? Dempsey Floats Idea Of Sending Trainers As Syria's War Spills Over -- CNN

In a move that could send small numbers of U.S. military trainers back to Iraq, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has asked his top Middle East commander to look at ways the United States could boost military sales, assistance and training in that country as well as in Lebanon and Jordan as Syria's civil war continues to affect its neighbors.

Any deployment of U.S. forces would have to have those countries' approval, and so far there is no indication that Iraq or Lebanon would agree to accept U.S. troops.

Dempsey has asked Gen. Lloyd Austin, the head of U.S. Central Command, to look at options for small, limited deployments in recent weeks, according to Col. Edward Thomas, a Dempsey spokesman. "It's in the realm of the possible," that a decision could be made to offer to send training teams back into Iraq, which would be the first significant deployment since the United States withdrew from that country in 2011.

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More News On Reports That the Pentagon May Send Trainers And Equipment To Lebanon And Iraq

US military chief recommends increasing security assistance to Lebanon, Iraq -- NBC
U.S. military chief recommends bolstering Lebanon, Iraq forces -- Reuters
US military recommends sending training teams to Lebanon, Iraq -- Washington Post/AP
Capacity-building Central to Syria Strategy -- US Department of Defense

My Comment: I doubt that President Obama will implement this policy. To do so would not only enrage his anti-war base but it would also put into question his original decision to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq in 2011. Iraq is a lose-lose proposition .... and sending a few trainers into the country will not help or make a difference on the ground at all.

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