The Twilight 12k was Friday night and we had so much fun! I ran with Sarah and we had a little too much fun being silly before the race started. I'm glad Steve was there to get pictures for us!
It was really nice and sunny, but there was a chilly breeze that just froze us - we were so glad to finally start running so that we could warm up! We started out mid-pack so that we could pass people instead of starting out too far up in the front and getting passed ourselves. It worked out great! Especially because our goals were to have fun and see how well we could do without killing ourselves haha.
I was so thankful that my sisters showed up to cheer me on. As I first entered the finish shoot I saw their happy faces and my cute nephews just cheering so loud! Here's Noah giving me five:
We both felt amazing until about the last 1.5 miles. We both got bad stomach cramps, and Sarah stopped to grab a drink of water at Westchester Lagoon. I knew if I stopped running I wouldn't be able to keep going at a decent pace, so I just kept on. But I got a very bad 'kink' in my neck about five minutes later right at the base of the final hill - not fun! It was so bad when I finished the race that I couldn't move my head from side to side or look up above me! Luckily my sis had advil at the finish so I downed a few and was just really careful not to strain it any worse.
Sarah and I were so happy to be reunited with out babies, and happy to see that they had been fine while we were out running! Riggs wanted to nurse right away after he saw me and it was an hour and a half past his bed time at that point so I was impressed that he was doing as well as he was!
I was also really happy because I beat my personal goal of doing the race in under 70 minutes. I finished in 66 minutes and 58 seconds, and it felt great! Such a fun run - and I guess it's listed in Self magazine as one of the best runs for beginners, so that's cool too!
Here's the stats from the race timing:
And here's the stats from my nike+ set up:
A 12k is supposed to be 7.46 miles but Nike+ recorded about 7.06 miles so I'm not sure what the actual mileage of this race was, but it doesn't really matter :)
I took it really easy the week before the race, and only went on one run. I wore my Brooks Cascadia's for that run because I was running on a trail a bit of the way instead of on pavement, so I didn't record it on Nike+, I used MapmyRun instead. It was about 3.6 miles and about 35 minutes - I took it super easy.
And I matched my tank, shoes, and socks...winning!
Overall it was a great week running-wise and we had so much fun at the race too! I'm taking it easy and waiting to run again until Monday at the earliest. I was planning on doing an easy run today, but my neck is still pretty messed up so I want to give it a chance to heal.
Lots of races coming up in May...the Run for Women (5m), the Color Run (5k), Mayor's (5m) and then at the end of the month the Spit Run (6m) in Homer. Exciting!